Sep 30 2010

Module 2 Response

As I was reading the two works by Kozma and Clark, I still could not shake the feeling that something feels wrong. It feels wrong to think that learning is not influenced by media. It makes you think about why it is implemented into the classroom if it has no effect.
Kozma makes a really good point in the re-framing of our investigation of technology and learning. – Kozma states “if we move from ‘do media influence learning?’ to ‘in what ways can we use the capabilities of media to influence learning for particular students, tasks, and situations’ we will both advance the development of our field”

This to me rings true – the idea of reformatting what we are investigating may yield different and more effective results.

Your mention of the “usual uses” is also a great point – the cost and reality is that going to a place or showing a video are drastically different. It would be impossible to physically go explore whereas a video can show them without leaving the classroom. It is hard to argue the effectiveness of it.
It is something that the Kozma reading reinforces – the use of media in that given situation.

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