I discovered USAY when I was researching New Tribe Magazine.  USAY is a non-profit organization in Calgary and been in existence since 2001.  “USAY strives to provide essential programming and services to Calgary’s Aboriginal youth between the ages of twelve and twenty-nine.”  Taken from their website, their mission statement is:

The Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth (USAY) will enrich the lives of all urban Aboriginal youth by nurturing self-empowerment and fostering healthy collaboration and communication to ensure healthy future generations.

USAY provides many programs for Aboriginal youth will includes but is not limited to:

  • New Tribe Magazine
  • Aboriginal Anti-Racism Movement
  • New Kicks 4 Kids (in partnership with Nike Canada)
  • Career Planning
  • Personal Finance courses

All of the board of directors of USAY must be under the age of 30 so that they have a better understanding of the issue that are affecting Aboriginal youth.

~ Ryan


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