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W13: Venture Forum

W13: Venture Forum

Post your Assignment #3 using the “Venture Forum” Category. Your post should contain the Elevator Pitch and Venture Pitch, or direct links to them, and must be posted by the end of Week 12. If you are unclear about the specific details of these pitches, please review the assignment description in the Assignments as well as the information about pitches in Stage […]

The “Old” ETEC522

The “Old” ETEC522

This site is a complete rebuild of ETEC522, with the original site having reached its operational limitations. As it has not been possible so far to transfer all of the years of content and presence of past ETEC522 students to this site, we offer the following link to the “OLD” site as a place where […]

Origin Post (ignore)

Origin Post (ignore)

This first post opens ETEC522 streams. There is no content in this category previous to this.