Advait Shinde – Co-Founder and CEO of GoGuardian
About Advait Shinde
Advait has a degree from the University of California in Computer Science and began his career by creating CourseRail in 2010. He started a job with Google in 2012 as a Software Engineer and worked on core android features such as the Google Wallet and Bluetooth LE. In 2014, he co-founded GoGuardian and acted as the CTO until he became CEO in 2017. During this time, he has enjoyed finding new ventures to invest in such as Toucan and joined as a member of the Forbes Technology Council in 2019. He has numerous accomplishments including being selected for the Forbes 30 under 30 list for Education in 2016.
About GoGuardian
GoGuardian is an educational technology company that focuses on student safety and security. GoGuardian started off as a ChromeOS tool that allowed teachers to monitor their students’ devices and has evolved into a platform that all educators could benefit from. GoGuardian now fosters a unified learning system with full classroom management. This allows for teachers to push websites to their students, heavily manage their device usage through monitoring and locked modes, and even has video conferencing options for remote learning. GoGuardian Beacon is a feature which focuses on ensuring student safety by monitoring web search history if online activity relating to suicide, self-harm, or harm to other people is apparent and will then notify educators
Advait Shinde – CEO – goguardian | linkedin. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://www.linkedin.com/in/advaitshinde
Forbes Magazine. (n.d.). Advait Shinde – Forbes Councils. Forbes. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://profiles.forbes.com/members/tech/profile/Advait-Shinde-Co-Founder-CEO-GoGuardian/d29019c2-d692-4a40-be97-99288197f79c
Engaging Digital Learning for Schools. GoGuardian. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2022, from https://www.goguardian.com/
Advait Shinde has accomplished a lot during his time in the tech world and seems to be a problem-oriented developer who wants to make the classroom experience better for both students and educators. I do not work in a traditional classroom, so have not encountered the challenges Advait is approaching through his ventures (I do get a slight Big Brother vibe), but I do find them to be a passionate, inspiring entrepreneur that is bound to continue making contributions to the EdTech space.