Hello MET Community!

My name is Carlo and this is my fourth MET course. I’ve been taking a slow and steady approach as I balance family and my day job as a physician based in Toronto.

My main academic pursuit is the application of educational technologies in health professions education (HPE). I’m learning a lot in this program, but must admit to finding it challenging to adapt for HPE (more of an indictment of HPE really rather than the MET program :).

I’ve recently started running and I’m hooked. Recently finished a half marathon (having not run ever). And much like my experiences with running, every step is a new adventure and this is why I’m very excited with this course. Looking forward to working with you all!

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2 responses to “Hello MET Community!”

  1. Douglas Millie


    Congrats on the 21.1! When I started running, I found it amazing that the little things like posture and technique could beat a person up so much. Years later, and after dealing with some persistent ankle problems, my physical therapist got me to start focusing on my arches. Seems to be making a difference in preventing strain and increasing running efficiency.

    Running is such a great metaphor for life: one step at a time, focus on the details, don’t lose sight of the big picture.

    ( 3 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. sheena outerbridge sjoberg

    Hello Carlo
    Nice to hear from another health professional. As a Nurse Clinician, working with the Inuit in Northern Qubec, there are multiple and unique health challenges however, I look forward to new and innovative ways we can develop health care through AI and associated technologies.
    Wishing you the best,

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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