My name is Sarah Cameron. This is my last semester in this program as this semester I am completing my last 3 courses. I am currently in my sixth year of teaching Elementary French Immersion as part of the HRCE. I have taught all grades from kindergarten to five, with the exception of grade one. I absolutely love what I do, but my real passions lie in technology education. The last two years I have been a member of the executive for the Nova Scotia Technology Education Association (NSTEA). This has allowed me to grow my passion in the technology field alongside other teachers from throughout the province.
On a personal note, I am an East Coaster born and raised. I just got married this fall (October 22, 2022). I am now Sarah Barrette, however, changing your name isn’t as easy as I thought. So for the purposes of this course and this website I am still Sarah Cameron. I live with my husband in my childhood home in Lower Sackville with our two boys Oliver (5) and Toebi (1). And yes… we spell it T.O.E. as he has mutant feet and way too many toes and hidden toe-beans to count. As part of my undergrad (BA in French with a double minor in Spanish and Communications Technology) I studied and lived in Dijon, France for 3 years and in Granada, Spain for a month. I was bitten by the travel bug young and travel as much and as often as I can.
Thanks for reading a little bit about me!

Salut Sarah – un plaisir de rencontrer un.e autre prof.e de langues 🙂
That’s cool that you lived in Dijon. I have never been but I used to live in Courseulles-sur-mer (en Normandie). I did a Co-op as a WW2 tour guide back in…. 2008? So long ago.
Hi Sara
Congrats on your nuptials – wonderful photos and memories – thanks for sharing. I lived in France for 7 years- 3 in Paris and 4 in Strasbourg- Alsace. Among all the countries we have lived in, I really enjoyed the experience. We return whenever possible visiting old friends we made during that period. Look forward to further interactions in this course 🙂
Hi Sarah so nice to see you in another course! Hope the three courses together are still going to be manageable for you. 🙂