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hello ETEC 522

hello ETEC 522

Hello from Stockholm Sweden, my other home. I presently work with the Nunavik Inuit in Northern Quebec as Health Liaison and Teaching development. I look forward to learning more about building and designing new learning materials and techniques with emphasis upon cultural and artistic backgrounds. I find this aspect relevant to attracting and maintaining interest […]

Hello ETEC522!

Hello ETEC522!

Hi All! My name is Helena, but most call me Lena (Leh-na). I previously was an ESL instructor when I first apply to this program but have since then worked for Toronto Public Health (in the communicable diseases unit) and I now currently work in the solar tech industry as a manager of a data […]

3D Printing and the impact on Education

My school has a 3D printing tech room and several printers, often used by students to experiment and build their own final projects. In my mind, 3D printing is changing education in multiple ways. 3D printing allows students to create physical objects from digital designs, which can help them better understand concepts and theories in […]