Hello Everyone!

Hi everyone,

I’m Hassan Singer and work in IT at an independent school in Toronto. Before I started doing IT in schools, I worked at a few companies in providing training for, and helping with the development of, adaptive technology, mainly focusing on that for users with visual impairments. I saw both the extraordinary usefulness of those tools and the many difficulties in bringing them to people who needed them. This was particularly true during the time when I was doing the work, accessibility was rarely incorporated in products out of the box and often needed to be added to the mix, as it were, sometimes with unpredictable results. I thought, since I’ve spent the past few days camping with some of our grads, I would post a photo of the beautiful nature which was new to me, though I’ve lived in Toronto for quite a while. I look forward to learning with all of you.

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One response to “Hello Everyone!”

  1. Douglas Millie

    Good to see you again Hassan!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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