Hi from Philip Ihewuokwu

This is my last course in the MET program. I am so excited to get to the finish line, because it has been over 5 yrs since I started the program and a lot has happened in my life that made the journey interesting but very rewarding. I live in the Niagara region, just over 15 minutes away from the famous Niagara falls. I enjoy spending time with my kids and picking new skills that would help me grow professionally.

I am currently an IT Business Analyst, but worked as an EdTech specialist for over 10 years until I decided to try something different. Now in a new career, I have found a lot of transferable skills which I learned as an educator. Despite working in a non-educational organization, I find there are innovations that are occurring in every industry and we are beginning to experience similarities in emerging technologies used in education and the business world. Nowadays, we see technologies such as Microsoft Teams, One Drive, Google drive used outside of educational organizations and cutting across several industries. While ETEC522 focuses on ventures in Learning Technologies, I am excited to use the skills learned in this course to explore opportunities both in educational technologies and business.

Looking forward to learning with everyone.



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6 responses to “Hi from Philip Ihewuokwu”

  1. SallyB

    Hi Philip,
    Congrats on this being your last course! 🙂

    I hear yah about “…a lot has happened since beginning the program” – *deep breath* – Same!

    You’re right about technologies cutting through business and education; it’s fascinating. I stepped outside of formal education recently to work a gig in the private sector (still ‘training’ related though) and was pleasantly surprised by the skills and technologies that are effective in both.

    I’m sure we’ll be chatting soon!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Philip Ihewuokwu

      Thanks Sally. Same here, as an Business Analyst, I often facilitate workshops and sure enough the educator skills comes in handy.

      All the best in ETEC522.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Siobhán McPhee

    Hi Philip and Sally,

    Agree with you both about technologies cutting through business and education. I hope to move more into private sector as I find myself frustrated with the pace of innovation in Education sectors. Ideally of course we should be bridging between the two!
    Look forward to chatting more.


    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Philip Ihewuokwu

      Hi Siobhan,

      Nice to meet you. I think it is becoming common knowledge that innovation in education is a slow process. I does bother me, because of the lost opportunities to students who could really use innovative education technologies to make a difference in their learning. Partly, this is one of the reason I wanted to try something outside of the school board.

      I hope you find something in the private space that can still allow you to use your skills as an educator.

      Good luck in ETEC 522

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Joyce Lo

    Hi Philip,
    Just wanted to say congratulations for being on your final MET course! I look forward to that day myself, too.
    Like you, I hope to explore opportunities in educational technologies and business.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Philip Ihewuokwu

      Thank you Joyce, it is awesome getting to the finish line. All the best in your MET journey.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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