Welcome to ETEC522!
Hello everyone!
I’m your instructor – David Vogt – you can reach me whenever you wish at david DOT vogt AT ubc DOT ca or by using the message system in this weblog. I spend most of my time as an entrepreneur and innovation leader, but I have a longstanding passion for learning technologies which makes me very happy to teach this course.
DavidV on NFLD’s East Coast Trail
Usually two Davids teach this course. That’s why you’ll read “we” so often in the course materials. My colleague, co-author, and good friend David Porter can’t co-teach this time so you’ve just got me (although I’m betting DavidP will pop up a few times).
Rather than two concurrent sections of the course, we’ve combined everyone in order to get some crowdsourcing happening. We’re therefore a big group, which is why building a presence for yourself through good postings will be essential to your success. However, given the group size, be smart (and courteous!) – make all of your postings brief and valuable.
A few important points about this WordPress environment we’re going to share:
- appropriate to the innovative spirit of ETEC522, we’re always trying something new. Please walk through “How To Use This Weblog” under the 1. Inspiration tab above to understand how this environment works.
- it’s not an experiment if it doesn’t fail sometimes, so let me know when something isn’t working, or contact the MET support crew.
- you don’t need to reveal your external email as I did above because we’re all connected via private email within this system. However, that’s one of the few things that are private. Please be aware at all times that your postings here are public – conduct yourselves accordingly. And if you do reveal your email, use a convention like I’ve done above.
Here’s your job list for this first week:
- Carefully review everything about this course and what is expected of you by making your way through all of the section under the 1. Inspiration tab above. Let me know immediately if anything isn’t clear, or if you have questions.
- Complete Activity #1A – Introduce Yourself!
- Complete Activity #1B – Emerging Markets Poll
- Notify me by email if you have a special interest in any of the emerging market topics – if so I can try to assign you (no guarantees) to the appropriate team for Assignment #2.
Please enjoy the course – I’m really looking forward to your contributions!
Posted in: Announcements
karonw 7:52 pm on May 7, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi David,
Thanks for everything, I’m looking forward to have a great semester with you and my peers!
Karon Wong