EVA Analysis of CloudConnect

Although I find the idea presented in this elevator pitch intriguing and feasible, I find the pitch lacks certain elements that would convince me to invest.

  1.  Credibility and Management:  Although mention is made of a strong management team with years of experience, the presenter never provides his own name or position.  In addition, the presenter’s face is never seen and so this person becomes disconnected from the pitch.  It lacks the personal presence.  The presenter does sound excited and confident regarding the product.
  2. Idea:  I think the idea is great and there could be a market for this product.  There might be a challenge with privacy of student information as it relates to cloud server locations for the various products being offered as a package; especially if the company goes international.
  3. Opportunity: Realistically, having to go up against well established and well organized learning management systems that are often willing and able to accommodate client desires, this product is not unique enough to be attractive.  This is especially the case when the competition is offered as a free, open source product (e.g. Moodle and OpenClass).
  4. Plan:  Although difficult to judge from the limited information given, planning and research are evident but not clearly conveyed.  A market niche seems available but marketing strategies to take advantage of that niche are lacking.  No concrete predictions of return on investment are provided.

Overall, I believe this product has potential but the pitch needs to clarify and emphasize why this would be better than what is already available.  The lack of human presence undermines credibility.


Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp