Mind Maps
What a great tool. I have always thought that mind maps are a great way for students to develop and link key concepts and help them think creatively. I often have my students create mind maps to help them brainstorm; however, I have never thought of or tried collaborative mind maps. I think I will try this tool out in September with my marketing class when they develop a business idea, products, services, etc to create a business plan in small groups. As some of our classmates mentioned I found that lag time with Cacoo somewhat frustrating and so I could see this causing some of my students to loose interest rather quickly.
Great job,
Posted in: Week 09: Visual-Intensive Learning
ping 2:03 am on July 7, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Greg,
We find Cacoo is a good tool, free, collaborative, but it has problems like editting confliction in some cases. As collaborative mind mapping has become a real trend, there are many tools (free or not) available to support you requirement. You may want to take a look at our “EVA” page to find more information about this. And there are more in:
Best wishes for your marketing brainstorm!