Ed-Tech Pro-D: Professional Development for Educators in Educational Technology
In Ed-Tech Pro-D, I provide an opportunity for teachers who may not wish to complete a degree in educational technology an opportunity to participate in some extended professional development within a community of practice. Please find my venture pitch and elevator pitch embedded below.
Venture Pitch:
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/FpIZKonKS8g/0.jpg)
Elevator Pitch:
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/_DEZDG7CsDo/0.jpg)
Jody McKinnon 4:49 pm on July 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Tim. I was very impressed with your presentation and the amount of detail that you have put into it. I am not in BC so I was a shocked to see that much investment in PD! I have no idea what it is here in Ontario, but my guess is that is less! You have tapped into a much needed area. PD is not that enjoyable anymore and you have identified those pain points so well. I think this idea has lots of potential. My only real criticism is the music in the longer pitch. I was not a fan of it. Otherwise, good job.
Good luck
troos 4:51 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Jody:
Thanks for your comments. I think you would be surprised at the amount spent on PD in Ontario. I suppose I chose the music based on personal taste but should have thought more about broader appeal.
Yves Mainville 11:25 am on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Tim,
I am very impressed with your presentation and I think it holds great value. The pitches were very slick and thorough. I think the team makeup is win-win and will prove to be a huge asset to this venture.
I was sold at pain point #2!
I thought there were many commonalities with the EduNexus pitch and I am sure they would like to explore partnership possibilities.
The use of ‘pain points’ was clever and really helped sell the concept.
I am comforted by the clear direction of the company, the thoroughness of the presentation and feel like my investment would be a solid one.
Count me in.
troos 4:54 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for your support. I think there were several ventures in the area of professional development that had similar slants but individual strengths. They would all do well to amalgamate these strengths into one venture.
dmcinnes 2:13 pm on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Your pitches are thorough and clear. Seems like you have a good concept. Amongst my peer teachers, technology training is always the area that they seem to be missing or wanting. There is an attitude that teachers should go out and just get trained themselves (self-serve style) to teach in the 21st century, but for many technology training is very intimidating. That is why the individualized coaching and guidance would be helpful. I don’t think I am convinced to invest, but I might be on the fence.
As Jody mentioned, the accordion music in the venture pitch was killing me! 😉
Overall well done!
David McInnes
troos 4:56 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Sorry about the music. I guess I am just not in touch with what would have a broader appeal. I was trying to find something that would make the listener relax to some extent but still stay engaged. Maybe lowering the volume would have helped.
kimnoel 1:22 pm on August 1, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Tim,
Well done! Your elevator pitch sounds great – have you considered a career in media? Ha!
Professional development for teachers in technology is an area that is certainly lacking, and I think that you have a viable venture here. If only teachers could get a day for their online professional development!
Smiles, Kim
troos 4:58 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Kim:
Thanks for your supportive words. With the amount of time it took me to put this together, I don’t think anybody is about to request my services in media. :-). Time would certainly be the limiting factor in getting teachers to participate in this venture.
Dennis Pratt 8:08 pm on August 1, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
As the others have mentioned it iis obvious that you have put a great deal of thought and planning into this venture and it could be up and running in no time. Teachers are always looking for simple solutions with ready-made plans where they can implement what they learn as soon as they leave a professional development session. I see this working across BC and then into other provinces, as well. I would like to know more about the product itself and maybe see some examples of the professional development your team has planned for these teachers. Overall, great work and I hope to see the venture in full swing somewhere down the line.
troos 4:59 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks Dennis:
Danielle 5:58 am on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Tim,
This is a fabulous venture and the thoroughness of your of your research and the professionalism of your presentation has me convined. I think the ProD issue is a global problem and I feel we face many of the same issues you mention where I live. I really like your advisory team and I think with a little market research among teachers and distracts, you have a winning venture! Well done!
troos 5:00 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks Danielle.
jtpatry 11:15 am on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey Tim,
Very well done Elevator and Venture pitch, uber professional for sure! I truly believe that Professional Development offered in this particular manner would be something that teachers and other professionals would be wiling to commit to. You mention wikis and blogs for teachers to access, would ProD have a webinar data bank that could also be used to view for various PD opportunities?
Thanks for sharing and good luck!
troos 5:05 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey Jon:
I believe you have suggested a great addition to the services offered by my venture. webinars would be an excellent way of connecting with many teachers and demonstrating methods and resources online. Thanks,
sheza 11:35 am on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Tim!
Very professional elevator and venture pitch. Your elevator picth was clearly designed with the investor in mind and you captured my interest by your very straight-forward display of diagrams and statements that related to the venture’s success. Even though I was slightly confused about how the venture would make its money (as usually online communities of practice are open-resources) I was still interested to move onto your venture pitch where I then got this answer. I especially see the need for your venture since you are right in stating that much of PD learning is reduced to flash-in-the-pan ideas.
All the best!
troos 5:07 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks Sheza. It is difficult to fit all you want to say into the one minute time slot for the elevator pitch. I guess the point is to choose what will most likely capture the attention of and convince an average investor.
mackenzie 4:37 pm on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Great job I loved the clarity. I was pleased with the visuals including the embedded video in your presentation, I wish the music was different but you can’t have everything. I was wondering how much money was necessary to achieve your goals and how long it would take to get my initial investment back. Are you an educator yourself or are you going to be a CEO full time. Professional development is a problem and I like your solution, I was I knew more about what types of resources you would offer.
troos 5:12 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You picked out my weak areas. 🙁 I had a hard time putting a monetary value on exactly what I would need. It would depend on a host of factors and would take significant market research to determine. You are the third person to comment on the music so I’m convinced I need to do a better job at selecting something more appealing. Thanks for your supportive comments.
Bridget 5:56 pm on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Tim,
Thank you for sharing your pitches and after reviewing your elevator pitch I have the follow comments.
I like the way you stated your concern at the very beginning concerning the insufficiency of current PD. I enjoyed your presentation and the way that you had your picture beside the diagrams in the introduction. However, I sometimes did not know where to look and I had to go back and re-watch it a few times to get a clear of what you were proposing.
Listing the fact that there are three other managers was great except I found myself wanting to know a name or see a face.
I also found myself wondering why you were looking for an investor if there is $40 000 000 available from the BC government for education. I understand that they might be backing you in some way but I would suggest being more specific in how they are supporting you financially.
troos 5:18 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks Bridget:
I felt that depending on the type of listener, they could either focus on the animated graphics or on the video and get the same information. I undertand your concern regarding the distraction of trying to follow both. Regardig the management team, I guess I felt I had gone far enough in creating a fictitious venture with me as CEO with a management team. Creating personalities and faces for these team members certainly would have added to the presentation. I think my venture pitch at the end outlines my needs for the investment. I would have initial setup costs for webspace, hardware and software, marketing, technical expertise, and office space among other things. Thanks for your helpful comments,
toddpowell 10:54 pm on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
The amount of effort and detail that you put into your pitch was amazing. Very well done. You had me at hello, as a fellow BC teacher!! I believe that a project such as this has so much validity, especially with the battle that we are facing today!!