Finance For Life is a cloud based interactive learning management system that provides students in the K-12 system skills in finance, economics and business management. Finance For life was developed by teachers for teachers to help educated today’s youth in order for them to be successful in today’s turbulent market. 1 minute venture pitch: 8 minute venture […]
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Mind Maps
What a great tool. I have always thought that mind maps are a great way for students to develop and link key concepts and help them think creatively. I often have my students create mind maps to help them brainstorm; however, I have never thought of or tried collaborative mind maps. I think I will […]
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Bluedrop Performance Learning
Emad RizkallaPresident & CEO, Co-founder Bluedrop Performance Learning Emad is recognized as one of North America’s pioneers and leaders in eLearning, entrepreneurship and corporate leadership. He co-founded Bluedrop (formerly ZeddComm) in 1992 as a young engineering student, has been honoured as one of Canada’s “Top 40 Under 40? and was featured in a TIME Magazine […]
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Gartner Top 10 Strategic technologies 2012
As business education and technology teacher I like to stay current with technology products and trends. I chose to review the Gartner: 2012 Top Ten Strategic Technologies report that highlights the top 10 technologies for 2012. The report provides some brief backgrounds information to support how the technologies were chosen that appears reasonable; however, I […]
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Introduction: Greg Campbell
Hello Everyone, my name is Greg Campbell and I am a business education teacher in Burnaby BC where I teach junior and senior computer classes, marketing and Planning 10. I completed my first course in the MET program last month and have decided to take on two more courses this term. Outside of teaching I […]
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vawells 6:26 am on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Greg I really enjoyed your elevator pitch. Your personal delivery of your venture was professional and clearly delivered. As Founder and CEO of Finanace for Life, you exuded an air of confidence that gave weight to your pitch and inspired confidence in me as a potential investor. Your credentials and obvious commitment and passion for your venture also caught my attention and made me want to delve deeper into your venture by moving on to your venture pitch. Well done!
I will be posting a more detailed analysis of your venture pitch.
vawells 6:28 am on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Venture Pitch Analysis
Pain Point:
The problem that your company Finance for Life would be addressing is clearly defined and supported with sound research. The need for today’s youth to be prepared for financial obligations that they will face is a realistic problem.
The development of a cloud based LMS for grades 1-12 incorporating support for teachers and students sounds like a realistic option. I am unclear as to which type of LMS you would be using but perhaps because it is cloud based this is not a concern.
The gap in the school curriculum has been clearly identified and your product is all inclusive with support provided. A couple of questions that came to me as an EVA: Are there other products/companies out there that provide a similar service? Why would schools buy this service and not have government write a curriculum to meet the needs?
Clear marketing strategy with a small demonstrated measure of success. However, how much is your product? How many licences have been sold and how many do you need to sell to make the projected 50 000 dollars?
Your commitment, credentials, confidence and passion about your product are clear and inspire confidence. However I would need to know more about your team.
The Ask:
1.5 million dollars
The Return:
I am unclear as an EVA how much return I can expect on my investment.
Yes I would potentially be willing to invest in this venture at this time however I would need more financial information around my return on investment and some of the questions clarified before I fully commit. The pitch is credible, concept is feasible and the potential market is there for this venture to be successful.
Well done
janetb 9:35 am on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Greg,
Your credibility and competence came through loud and clear in your elevator pitch. It left me with the sense that you have the personal motivation, leadership ability and business sense to lead this venture forward successfully. I know time is very limited in the elevator pitch, but a comment or two on the uniqueness or differentiation of your product would have added to the overall impact of your already excellent pitch.
All the best,
Leonora Zefi 8:58 pm on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Excellent pitch Greg.
Your message is very clear and confident . You clearly outlined the need, the service, the market and the ask. Very well done.
As the president and sole owner you exude passion and confidence.
The concept is explained clearly. I liked the idea of switching from videos presenting the questions/data and your introduction of the venture concept.
Venture Plan and critical evaluation
Great analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the venture. Aware of and honest about budget restrictions despite the large market for financial literacy and employment preparation skills.
Clear explanation of the business model and revenue projections.
chrisaitken 12:29 am on August 1, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Excellent presentation Greg. You convinced me that there is a need and market for educational content in finance. I am a little confused about the concept however from the elevator pitch. Aren’t Learning management Systems content neutral – a medium for the course? Or is this actually online courseware for finance courses?
ping 8:06 am on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Greg,
Impressive pitch! I agree that finance training for children is very necessary, and therefore will open a considerable market for a venture like yours. Your elevator pitch is delivered lucidly and confidently, I guess you might have this idea in search for a long time. The beautiful child song in your venture pitch matches the theme perfectly, I can even feel that children are appealing for the kind of knowledge your venture will supply them.
As an investor, I would like to know more about the competition you might confront. I remember I’ve heard of similar concepts somewhere; and there are books available addressing the same issue. I would need a clearer vision of your product, of what form it will show to the buyers and the users. Will it more likely to be a course, or a game? I know there is a popular-role-playing game just simulating the role of millionaire, and it’s popular among the young people. Another concern I need convinces is that if you can make your course in the cloud, while should you limited your buyers in the school system? Why not let people access it from home at anytime? There are many parents like me are looking for tools like yours to teach their children financial skills. There’s a huge market there to get money returned.
Good luck to your venture!
lisamallen 11:03 am on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Greg,
I thought your elevator pitch and venture presentation was fantastic. By the end of your presentation, I found myself nodding and thinking, “this is definitely a worthwhile venture.” I thought you touched on everything that needed to be touched on and am definitely ready to invest and hand over the cash to make this succeed!
maybacon 11:22 am on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I really like how you have clearly defined every aspect of your pitch, which was interesting and complete. My only reservation in investing in this venture is that I am not familiar enough with the market to adequately assess the product for investment. What level of education is Finance for Life directed at? I think people with higher education but only a basic high school economics course, such as myself, could benefit from this venture as much as younger students – could this be a possible market for expansion?
Greak work!
Chelsea M Woods 9:37 am on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Greg, I enjoyed your idea and think it has great potential. I am interested in your your idea of developing a learning management system for the courses rather than running on an existing system (I assume that is what you meant). Understanding finance, economics, and business management is highly relevant to basic functioning in our society, yet many of us never take any relevant courses, and it is missing from the core requirements in many school districts, and it’s hard to find experts in the area who are also teachers (not surprising :)). Great idea! Chelsea
karonw 10:17 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Greg,
Excellent venture! I found your venture very appealing and it sounds like a great idea. In both your pitch and proposition you have been able to present the solution to what people are facing, the overview of your venture, the benefits of your venture and a detailed business plan that explains the revenue etc. As an EVA, I think your elevator pitch was fantastic, you gave a great introduction with a bit of your background information and this has definitely helped you gain creditability and accountability. Also, you have articulated your elevator pitch really well, you were able to hit all the main points yet deliver it in a full of confidence, calm and convincing tone throughout your pitch within 56 seconds. As an investor, I am attracted to your venture and would definitely consider investing in it.
Karon Wong
danishaw 8:43 am on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
By reviewing your pitch, I was able to gain insight into the basics of, Finance for Life. You outlined the need for such a product, the expertise of the team, and the current selling market well. To improve upon such, I would suggest providing the viewers with some screen shots or images of the features of the program so that they get a glimpse of the product and want to explore further within your venture analysis.
With regards to your venture analysis, I believe the introduction , text, and musics provided the viewers with solid data/research that proves the need for your product as well as created interest. It was a great addition to your presentation! I would have liked to see what the product could potentially look like as well as some sort of graphic outlining how other business courses compare. Overall, however I really enjoyed the presentation, good job!
All the best,