The iPad Reading Solution Tool
Welcome to my iPad Reading Solution Tool. A venture specifically designed for the education sector to facilitate and develop skills in Reading and combat illiteracy in the Caribbean and other developing countries. Click on this link to view my Elevator pitch . The selected reviewers for my venture may email me to view my venture […]
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gregcamp 9:52 pm on July 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for sharing your idea. You seem very credible in your pitch and it is obvious you have the necessary experience to run this company. However, this market space is too competitive for my investors.
janetb 9:54 am on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Shawn,
You have identified the problem, the market, and your solution. I agree that the iPad could definitely be used to assist students in learning to read. However, with such well established competitors, I would have like to hear in your elevator pitch a little more about how your solution is unique, beyond affordability. Overall, it sounds like a well planned venture, though.
All the best,
Claire Burgoyne 4:40 pm on July 31, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Shawn,
You sound enthusiastic in your pitch and express a genuine concern for the need for quality reading instruction. I expect that you’ll be faced with major competition so your pitch needs to convince me that the iPad reading solution tool is unique in some way. Without addressing how this tool fills a gap I’m likely to continue using the tools I currently rely on for teaching reading.
maybacon 11:05 am on August 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Shawn,
I like the idea of using the iPad’s popularity to improve student literacy. I have difficulty understanding how this might differ from other reading-related apps and I wonder about its use in other developing areas than the Caribbean, as iPads are pretty pricey and I really lack the research background to be able to evaluate such a venture’s viability internationally. I enjoyed your obvious passion for excellence in education which was apparent throughout your pitch.