Digital Textbooks
Tablets and related devices have redefined publishing, including textbooks. No longer is textbook content necessarily closed, static and non-interactive. The growing expectation of both teachers and students is that Digital Textbooks must deliver a rich, engaging, responsive journey – a thrilling new kind of learning experience. Opportunity Statement Digital Textbooks offer a range of highly-creative […]
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Danielle 7:21 am on May 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
As an EFL textbook writer, the idea of developing and potentially marketing accessible, interactive, media-rich, cost-effective, eco-friendly (at least in terms of being paperless) learning materials either on my own or collaboratively in a timely manner is a pretty exciting prospect and one I will no doubt pursue.
sheza 12:17 pm on May 12, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
When Apple accounced its free iBooks app, a lot of people were skeptical as to how school boards would be able to reap its benefits given the expensive device costs:
However, with the maority of readings now being made available to university students through online databases and e-course packs (unlike options available in this MET program itself) there is a definite shift away from the traditional, heavy, paper-bound textbook to the alternative which takes up a GB or 2 on your tablet, laptop or even smart phone.
Politics teachers don’t even invest in textbooks at the high school level because they become out-dated so quickly – with new editions of most textbooks being released every year, school boards don’t have the budgets to keep up. So students are asked to make do with 10 or 15 year old editions of the texts. However, with updates available to download onto your e-book whenever they are released, it can be argued that investing one time in a class set of iPads for the Politics class is a lot more feasible. And considering that most students are taking part in the BYOD phenomenon, this option is definitely a better bet. It is also environmentally friendly and much more portable!
gillian 7:09 pm on May 12, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hardware aside, e-texts have many advantages for education and the environment. Digital textbooks have the potential to be more than just “text” books, but they can combine multimedia and interactivity to engage learners beyond the dusty pages of tradtional paper texts. As Sheza mentions above,most e-texts are compatible with a variety of devices and can be easily combined with ventures around BYOD. In the long run, e-texts are more cost efficient and environmentally friendly as licenses as purchased, renewed and updated without a single tree lost.