Venture Analysis of SchoolManager
Analyzing SchoolManager Credibility and Management – The absence of the presenter’s picture as well as the complete absence of the product developer reduces the credibility of this pitch. The presenter does ot seem personally connected to the product. The producers experience is significant but no information regarding an organized team is presented. With the predicted […]
Continue reading Venture Analysis of SchoolManager Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp
Deborah S 5:54 am on May 23, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Tim,
You raised a good point about being able to see the person making the pitch. There is a great deal of information that is delivered non-verbally and being able to see the person making the pitch would probably have enhanced the presentation. It’s difficult to provide all the information a potential investor would be looking for in an elevator pitch. I think there’s a balancing act between trying to be engaging and communicating critical information. I guess we’ll have an opportunity to figure this one out for ourselves in our final assignment!