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1.3 – Course Outline

ETEC522 is structured in four Stages, each of one or more weeks duration. You are currently in Stage 1, section 3.  An outline for the whole course, including the major assignments is provided here:

Stage 1 – Inspiration

Week 1 This Stage is your orientation to ETEC522.

Stage 2 – Preparation

This stage lays a foundation for the course by introducing the nature of the global learning technologies marketplace and ramping up your experience as a venture analyst and entrepreneur.

Week 2 The Edtech Marketplace
Week 3: Analyst Bootcamp
Week 4 Entrepreneur Bootcamp


ASSIGNMENT #1: Market or Venture Analysis – worth 25% of total grade – due at the end of Week 6  

(detailed instructions A1 are in section 1.5)

Stage 3 – Analysis of Emerging Markets

This stage provides an opportunity for collective exploration, critical analysis, and expression of the learning potentials within specific emerging markets inspired by new technologies and technology environments. The objective is that every student will work within a small group of peers to conduct a deep dive on a single emerging market, and collectively create an interactive  engagement of it for their peers.


ASSIGNMENT #2: Emerging Market Analysis – 25% of total – presented in Weeks 5 through 11

(detailed instructions for A2 are in section 1.5)


Week 5: Emerging Market Analysis
presentation by Emerging Market Teams
Week 6: Emerging Market Analysis
presentation by Emerging Market Teams
Week 7: Emerging Market Analysis
presentation by Emerging Market Teams
Week 8: Emerging Market Analysis
presentation by Emerging Market Teams
Week 9: Emerging Market Analysis
presentation by Emerging Market Teams
Week 10: Emerging Market Analysis
presentation by Emerging Market Teams
Week 11: Emerging Market Analysis
presentation by Emerging Market Teams

Stage 4 – Launch

This final stage is designed to be a true culminating experience – an opportunity to position yourself in the driver’s seat of a venture of your choice and design, and to see how your powers of persuasion stand up in an ‘open market’ of similar pitches from your peers.  You will also apply your analysis skills in assessing the venture concepts pitched by your peers.

Week 12: Venture Forum
Pitching an idea


ASSIGNMENT #3: Venture Pitch – 25% of total – due at the end of week 12.

(detailed instructions for A3 are in section 1.5)

ASSIGNMENT #4: Participation Portfolio – 25% of total – due at the end of week 13.

(detailed instructions for A4 are in section 1.5)

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