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  • jarvise 11:46 am on November 2, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: 1-1 Learning, individualized   

    The ipad has a lot of potential to individualize learning in very specific ways. A student can access a lot of supplementary, near-instantaneous information to assist them in their learning. If they need help reading or understanding a word or concept, this help is there for them. This immediate help can yield increased motivation and […]

    Continue reading Discussion 2: Individualization Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • themusicwoman 12:31 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Dear Emily,

      Nice thoughts. Especially on the theft issue as we are currently discussing that in our school now. However, I tend to think of the iPad as a personal learning tool. And although it would be great to have enough technology for all of the students, I know our school district is leaning towards supporting student devices rather than providing school ones. That’s not to say we don’t have technology in the school, but the reality of the cost of replacing obsolete hardware is in a budget that is rapidly decreasing.
      I’ve also used the iPad with the voice to text feature. It works well for some students to get down their ideas but I think some of the software has to get better in terms of voice recognition and so on.

      • jarvise 2:07 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        I agree with you on the use of personal learning tools for students, rather than providing class sets of things. It may make more sense to redirect financial support for those students who otherwise couldn’t afford to buy a device. That way, many more students have a tool that moves with them.


    • Angela Novoa 1:09 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Emily, thanks for sharing these great ideas on how promoting individualized learning through iPads. I have seen on different postings that knowing how to organize the use of these devices within a community is an issue to consider.


    • jenaca 4:12 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Emily,
      You have included some great ideas on how to promote learning through the iPad. I really think that using this device is a great way to assist students with their individual learning needs and helps promote a more interactive, engaged and fun way to learn.

    • Doug Smith 9:09 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Emily, I really like how you brought up individualization. This is a very important thing for sure, the role of differentiated instruction is crucial. Not only can it help slower learners, but tools like tablets allow outlets for gifted learners, which is just as important.

  • David Vogt 10:00 pm on September 1, 2011
    -9 votes

    Tags: 1-1 Learning,   

    So many technologies can be leveraged in such cost-effective ways to get students ubiquitous Internet access during the day and outside of school that the focus of 1:1 is no longer so much “How do we get kids computers and maintain them all?” but “How do we use these things to improve teaching, learning, and […]

    Continue reading 1-1 Learning Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
    • David William Price 7:00 am on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      It would be interesting to see a Sal Khan approach where students are learning on their own then they come to the classroom to have assisted problem-solving with the teacher and their peers. It seems a reasonable way to allow students to learn at their own speed while taking advantage of expertise when it’s available rather than everyone getting information in class then going home to struggle with homework. Perhaps 1-1 learning can assist with the new model.

    • murray12 7:15 am on September 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      At the moment my school is undergoing an “iPad for every student” movement. As one of the organizers, I have seen the benefits that the 1:1 use of an iPad can produce, there’s just an app for everything…and if there isn’t now there will be soon. However, when it comes to finances this is not an option for every school and thus, to flip-flop, not always the best option.

    • David William Price 9:51 am on September 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      In respect of the iPad for everyone issue, I read one article about a lab where students pick up an iPad on their way in and leave it on their way out.

      • kstooshnov 11:51 am on September 9, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        So much for homework, if they are expected to leave the iPad at school and finish off whatever project with pen and paper! More than just having a cool new toy to play with from probably just 40 minutes, students need time to figure out how much they can do with the tablets, even if it means playing games so that they get use to the controls. Students learn by doing, rather than reading the manual.

    • Everton Walker 11:11 am on September 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Even though the 1-1 idea has been floating around for some time now, I am yet to see it blossoming and spreading at the pace it should. As it relates to my country, Jamaica, we lack the necessary resources to undertake such initiatives. Our classrooms are overcrowded which makes such welcoming strategy impossible.

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