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  • kstooshnov 11:54 am on November 24, 2011
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    Hi all, Just a quick note from the Blueridge Elementary computer lab, while the students have their free time (and a much needed chance for me to catch up with this week’s discussion).  I just demonstrated to the students how Evernote can instantly upload from a mobile device onto their school’s desktop, also connected to […]

    Continue reading My first Mobile-to-SMARTBoard upload Posted in: Uncategorized
    • Allie 12:31 pm on November 25, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      sweet! i’ve been enjoying using evernote too, mainly as a cloud-based space to deposit thoughts, links and notes.

      and since it’s social analytics week how do you think Evernote might use social analytics to enhance its service?

  • Tamara Wong 3:20 pm on November 20, 2011
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    Day 3 •  On the 522 Blog: Design your own m-learning venture by answering the following questions: •  describe a problem in teaching/learning/performance •  how do the affordances of mobiles help solve that problem? •  what learning theory / approach will you use? •  how will  your m-learning solution use mobile affordances? •  what is […]

    Continue reading Day 3 and 4 Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 7:27 pm on November 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      What if your students’ mobiles provided them with ways to practise and test their speaking with the people around them out in the real world? My studies of ESL and anxiety show that perfectionism really holds people back from even trying to speak… a mobile might be able to provide them with enough of a crutch to keep them pushing through simple conversations with the people in their neighbourhoods!

  • andrea 1:05 pm on November 20, 2011
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    What one change would you require to adopt m-learning for your own teaching and learning? This is not really a change, but rather an area for research. I’m not a teacher, but within my work context I would need to hear from our audience that mobile learning is something they’re interested to try and use. […]

    Continue reading Day 4 – new directions Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 7:25 pm on November 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I think Steve Jobs would say that people don’t really know what they want (although a UX consultant I mentioned this too beat me up for saying this). But I think it’s true, beyond early adopters. Most people don’t bother with something if they can’t see how it makes a significant positive impact for them.

      The multinational I spoke with loaded Blackberrys up with software and put them in the hands of their executives to show them the possibilities. Jobs did something similar when he showed people in Apple the swipe-scrolling function of the iPhone.

      Consider the discussion this week… I’ve really been pushing opportunity-based thinking about mobiles for learning while roaming, but I find most people see mobiles through the lenses of their typical lives today… mostly sedentary and mostly using laptops. To engage interest, you have to mock up new ways of engaging with the world… ways that demonstrate value and not just gee-whiz coolness.

    • andrea 6:49 pm on November 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I agree that people find it hard to visualize how something will transform their lives or a current practice. (This was my own experience with the iPhone – I never imagined it would be as useful or become as indispensable as it is.)

      However, I do think it’s important to ask people how they currently use the tools they have so we know the starting point. From that we can better determine the kinds of support or roll-out that will help people to adopt it. And, if we create something that works for smart phones only to find out that 80% of them are still using the original Nokia phone, we’ve wasted our efforts. As much as, I would love to load some iPhones up with cool apps and give them to our volunteers, but that’s not how health care non-profits usually roll. 🙂

  • Deb Kim 4:34 pm on November 18, 2011
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    Describe a problem in teaching/learning/performance. One of the problems I face when I teach Math is that there are not enough resources available out there for students to study in order to improve their fundamental Math skills and problem-solving skills. For example, some of my students still have difficulty adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers/fractions/decimals. However, […]

    Continue reading [DAY 3] Math Master Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 8:49 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Great ideas!

      I’m glad you enjoyed the assignment. You have an interesting concept. I love the idea of educators creating and sharing questions to enhance and grow your database.

      What do you think of minimizing translation issues by focusing on using icons and imagery in your problems instead of words? Take a look at Robert Horn’s work, or think about “wordless instructions” like those used by Ikea or in emergency exit brochures for aircraft.

      How might you use the computer in the mobile itself to generate questions? It’s probably not necessary to create all the individual questions yourself. Instead you could create heuristics, and the mobile would use the heuristics to generate infinite questions based on those rule sets. THat way you wouldn’t even have to use a lot of data transfer or updates or translation.

      Social networking could be used for collaboration to solve problems together. What about an app that requires collaboration to solve math problems? You can see each other working on the problems… or you share a mobile to work a problem out.

      I guess another issue for me is why people have trouble with math. Do they have a breakdown in conceptual understanding? How might they use the real world to help them understand math problems? A mobile could scaffold them through using real items or conducting real activities that illustrate the math concepts. To some extent, the Khan Academy does this in their videos.

      • Deb Kim 11:08 pm on November 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thank you for the questions, David.

        “What do you think of minimizing translation issues by focusing on using icons and imagery in your problems instead of words?”
        It’s a good idea that we can minimize translation issues by using icons and images instead of words. However, as the math curriculum and new textbooks that have changed over the last 2 years are focusing on mathematical literacy these days, students still need to learn the ways to translate word problems into diagrams and mathematical sentences. I’ve seen so many kids who can solve a word problem that includes a diagram, but not the one without a diagram. Although I give the same word problem to the students, one with a diagram and one without it, the scores between the two are very different. Many students still need to work on solving word problems.

        “How might you use the computer in the mobile itself to generate questions?”
        The collection of questions in a question bank is kind of like creating heuristics. Same formatted question with different numbers each time it’s generated.

        One of my issues with math is how to make a connection between the real world situations and conceptual understanding in math. I’ve applied some real world situations for teaching. For instance, I once used the Tower of Piza to teach trigonometry in Math 9. I briefly went over the history of the Tower of Piza and told students to find as many angles as possible using sine, cosine, and tangent ratios. Another example is that I sent my AWM (Apprenticeship & Workplace Math) 10 students to a convenience store and ask them to pick up things they want to purchase and calculate HST, sale price, and discount.


  • bcourey 5:24 pm on November 17, 2011
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    wow, this week is flying past..or is it the engaging topic David? I’ve been talking quite a bit at work with our IT department about this whole idea of mobile learning in our schools.  We have so many hurdles to overcome in elementary and secondary schools – first, as has already been mentioned is the […]

    Continue reading Day 4 Already? Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 5:38 am on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Many school managers and administrators today have come to the realization that cell phones have great potential for teaching and learning and thus have been making attempts to remove the ban on cell phones in schools. There should however be policies in place to regulate the use by students to ensure that it will be used for teaching and learning activities mainly.

    • David William Price 6:33 am on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Data plans certainly are an issue. One way to get around that is to focus on using apps that you download once, perhaps over WIFI.

      With respect to distraction, based on my recent lit review of anxiety management, there are two ways of dealing with anxiety issues (distraction being a person’s tendency to avoid anxious feelings by doing other tasks). One is to remove distractions. The other is to scaffold learners into confronting their anxious feelings directly and managing them instead of turning to distraction.

      A very simple way of teach distraction management is something called “implementation intentions”. These are plans learners develop beforehand. The plan is an “if-then” plan. “If this distraction happens, then I will do X.” Apparently they work well. Why? When people are anxious, they use up working memory. They don’t have extra resources to do deep thinking about how to handle problems. By working out the plans ahead of time, they don’t have to think about what to do with a distraction. They already have their plan ready. Apparently it works well for managing test anxiety and handling distractions. Worth checking out.

      I think it’s worthwhile to scaffold anxiety management (distractions, avoidance, etc.) through graduate exposure. The literature shows performance increases… and it will help learners in the future. How many adults do you know who can’t stay on task?

    • bcourey 1:48 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting take on the reasons for allowing distractions to take place – I think in many of our cases in secondary schools, it is more a case of boredom…they would rather text with friends than tackle the tasks in the classroom – maybe boredom, maybe avoidance of a task they don’t understand. I accept that some may be anxiety….but in my case, if I am in a meeting and I am suddenly finding myself checking my emails on my BB instead of listening to the speaker, it is often because I am bored silly or disengaged from the topic at the moment.

      • David William Price 1:53 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Boredom is part of a spectrum of arousal. I tend to see boredom as an example of anxiety (I am too anxious to find the value in what I am hearing, and I feel I should be doing something else right away) whereas when I am in the right state of arousal, something that should be incredibly boring (such as staring at a sunset) feels very fulfilling.

        That being said, even if you reject my own way of thinking, it’s not the device itself that is the problem, it’s (a) pedagogy that doesn’t engage; and (b) an inability of the learner to manage their impulse to do something else instead of look for or create meaning in the current activity.

        For instance, one way I create meaning in activities that seem boring is to interrupt them and ask annoying questions. Or ask for examples. Or use some other technique to make the situation meaningful. Those are skills that can be taught… they could even be scaffolded through mobiles as performance supports to make meetings/talks meaningful!

  • bcourey 5:25 pm on November 14, 2011
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    My employers require the managers of all education departments (mine being secondary programming) to have blackberries so that the Superintendents can reach us at all times.  So emails and cellphone use are the 2 biggest reasons I use the blackberry. I really dislike using it for internet browsing as anyone who uses a B’bery can […]

    Continue reading Day 1: My mobile experiences Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • mcquaid 5:41 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I’m rather curious to see how tablets and “fortified” e-readers like the Fire and Kobo Vox do this year… will Christmas push a shift? I’ve thought about getting one of the above or the tempting (because it looks good AND inexpensive) Le Pan TC 970.

    • David William Price 7:57 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      In a recent conversation with a major multinational, they talked to me about their efforts with BlackBerries… they were something their employees already had to carry. Rather than focusing on web usage, they tailored their m-learning to the device, creating short learning interventions focused on performance support of their professional team for memory refreshers and updates in taxis and in waiting rooms just prior to meeting with a client.

      In other words, mobiles don’t replace reading devices… they’re for pill-sized content just in time.

      One of the interesting things about MET (and I am coming to this as a complete outsider) is its focus on K12. As an Ed Tech student, I’m coming from the corporate side where increasingly people are expected to work without offices and spend all their time in the field. I find there’s quite a culture clash.

    • ifeoma 9:20 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Brenda.
      Thanks for your post. You have addressed one of the constraints of using mobile technology for learning- small screen size. However, there are a lot of benefits of the mobile tech that are highlighted in your post. I agree with David that mobiles are not a replacement for their larger screened counterparts but send bite size content or info just when you need it. On a lighter note, hopefully you have been good this year so Santa will have no choice but to grant your wish Christmas wish of a tablet 🙂

      • bcourey 2:58 pm on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Yes, I find the small screen size a problem, but when I asked my grandson if he would like a netbook for Christmas, he was very firm that I would be wasting my money – he has an iPod Touch, so why would I make him use such a big device as a netbook! I have heard the same comments from some of our secondary students – they prefer the small screen…maybe it is my old eyes???

    • schiong 9:23 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Just curious, why Galaxy and not the other brands/model? 🙂

      • bcourey 2:56 pm on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        ahhh..the big dilemma…what tablet?? Well, my IT department at work has been “playing” with every model made so far…and I have sat with them for many hours listening to the pros and cons of each device and playing with the screens. For sure I eliminated the iPad first – sorry Apple lovers…but not having Flash is a huge problem for us when all of our Ministry-created videos for PD are Flash, so the iPad would not work for us…so that left all of the Androids:
        -the Asis Transformer was too heavy – bulky feeling
        -the Playbook is intriguing with the small size (fits in my purse!) and I love the resolution – best in the whole group, but seems like the future of it is iffy and I don’t want to buy something that has a unknown future
        -the Sony and HP models are pretty good too, but so far I prefer the screen performance better in the galaxy- just a personal preference. I also was told that next summer, the Galaxy will come in a smaller size as well…good news for me, but not in time for Christmas. If Santa brings me a model other than the Galaxy, I won’t be too upset, but I’m writing my letter early.

  • mcquaid 5:13 pm on November 14, 2011
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    What, when, where and how am I doing m-learning now? I’m not. If we are talking – as outlined in the intro – about cellphones, at least. I still have and use the only mobile device I’ve ever had – a circa-2001 Nokia. I have never felt that I needed or wanted a newer phone […]

    Continue reading Day 1 – Sedentary Learning Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 7:49 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      When you say “It’s my work that’s mobile”… what kind of work is that? Do you commute at all? Or have unproductive time?

      If someone else was paying for your mobile, would you use it as a performance support for your work? Have you ever found yourself away from your computer and needing a quick answer? What do you usually do?

      How do you feel about being “a sedentary learner”?

      Like you, I have a simple feature phone and I’ve never sent a text in my life. I spend far too much time in my home office despite having a MacBook Air. In a recent conversation with a multinational professional firm, though, I’ve been told they don’t even have offices and they’re expected to spend all their time with clients. Similarly, another major professional firm I spoke with last year said the same thing even about their legal team… if they want to use an office, they have to schedule it.

      What do you think about a mobile future?

    • mcquaid 12:51 pm on November 16, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi, David. To answer your queries:
      – I teach in a K-8 school. I drive myself about 20km each way every day. That’s my only forced unproductive time.
      – If someone else paid for me to have a mobile at work, I would try to use it – at work only, perhaps. I like not being tied to a phone in some ways.
      – If I find myself away from a computer and need a quick answer, I wait until I get to one, and hope that I remember what I needed to do / look for. If I don’t, it probably wasn’t very important anyway.
      – I don’t mind being a “sedentary learner”. It’s how I was brought up / taught. I wouldn’t mind being dragged into the current decade… I’d like to have a smallish tablet, but mostly for reading online and email. I don’t think I’d ever want to learn much more than bite-sized things on a phone.
      – As for a mobile future… I think there will always be a mix of smaller and larger devices… perhaps they will just get more specific in terms of what people use them for – more specialized (I think they already are in many ways). I believe we will continue to get more and more mobile, though (at least up to a point), as devices get smaller, less obvious, and more built in to what we already may have / use / wear.

    • hall 12:44 pm on November 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi mcquaid ,

      I understand reason that someone would use of a circa-2001 Nokia instead of a more expensive and updated model. I got myself a Blackberry because of a promotion that one of telecommunication companies in Jamaica had last year October for tertiary institutions. If this was not the case I would not have gotten a phone of this quality.

  • Alice 12:53 pm on November 14, 2011
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    I may not be the best person to discuss cellphone m-learning, as when it comes to cellphones, I like to keep it basic. No data, no ‘net access; it’s my rough-photo taking and texting machine. And I like it that way. My mobile learning takes place on other devices: my iPod Touch and my Macbook. […]

    Continue reading day 1 m-learning: what, where, when, how Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 4:33 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your post.

      I too have a simple feature phone, but I recognize that will likely change within a couple of years. I’m not really one to choose one device to do everything. Devices have different affordances.

      The key aspect to consider is the notion of planning. For many people, carrying a mobile is something they do out of habit. For that reason, it’s become a central part of their lives– they always have it anyway, so why shouldn’t they use it for everything they can in those moments when they are separated from their more substantial hardware?

      At this point, my feature phone is another bulky thing in my pocket. And if I want to take decent pictures, I put a camera in my pocket. And if I want to be able to check for restaurants or maps downtown, I take an iPad and hope to find WIFI access. Although I am still behind the curve in mobile, I recognize that I’m really just waiting for sensible data plans.

      It’s true that mobile can extend to all kinds of devices… iPods, Nintendo DS (which apparently McDonald’s used in Japan), and all kind of other gadgets. But increasingly, the cellphone is taking over. Consider how Nintendo has discovered that mobile phones are a threat to it’s portable gaming industry! If you’ve got your mobile… do you want to remember to carry other stuff?

    • schiong 8:22 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      This was my first cellphone http://cellphones.about.com/library/bl-pi-hp_ipaq_6325.htm
      I had it for about 7 years.. until my son accidentally dropped it. I guess it wasn’t kid-proof 🙂

      Best Buy Phone Store at Richmond Center is offering $0 on Iphone 4 w/ 3 year plan.
      It was tempting. But, I decided not to get it. I have poor vision. I know I would never surf or read articles using a mobile phone. Therefore, having a data plan would just be wasting money.

      In my class, I noticed that most of my students have 2 mobile devices.
      Out of curiosity, I interviewed some of them.
      Student 1: “One is Blackberry to check my emails and the other is an iPhone for everything else”
      Student 2: “One is mine. The other one is temporary.”
      Student 3: “This one (showing me the phone) is for call. This one (an iPhone) is for research.”
      Student 4: “This one (a Blackberry) is my phone. This one (iPod touch) is for games.”

      I was intrigued by the student #2’s answer. So, I asked him to explain what he meant by “temporary”.

      Student 2: “Sir, you are in Canada.”
      Me: ” I think I know that.”
      Student 2: “You know … just go to Futureshop or BestBuy and pick any phone you like.”
      Me: “I can’t afford to do that with my income.”
      Student 2: “You are in Canada. Just pick a phone and return it after few days. ”
      Later on, he explained to me that he really likes mobile phones and could not decide which one to purchase.

      I can relate what David said about “carrying a mobile is something they do out of habit”.
      Several days ago, I challenged my students not to bring their phones in my class. I would give them bonus points if I don’t see them use their phones in my class.

      I was surprised … Nobody wanted the challenge.

      • ifeoma 8:59 pm on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi SChiong
        Interesting discussion with your students. They all carry mobiles albeit Iphone and “other” brand. I am curious as to why they seem to prefer the Iphone and its kin, could this be the “cool factor” or is their perception of any other smart phone different from their impression of the Iphone in terms of what it enables them to do? Is this really about what each phone can do? Have they tried any other smart phone for research or gaming? In other words, they do not see that for example the B’berry they have could also be used to do research and listen to music. I would be interested in knowing how student 3 uses Iphone for research, is it research for school work?
        If they had to do a school activity on their mobile devices would brand be an impediment or an inspiration? Building on the idea of student 2, if there were a rental for “cool” smart /feature phones for the purposes of learning, would it be something they would be interested in?

    • ifeoma 8:53 pm on November 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Allie,
      Thanks for your post. Like you I do not have a data plan on my cell phone but really for financial reasons. I would like a smart phone, infact, I want an iphone4S but still feel it is expensive. The idea of being “on top of things” at work and with my studies while I move around appeals to me a lot but I am limited by costs. I am curious though, if you had a data plan on an Iphone would that have made a difference in what you use for your mlearning? or perhaps one of the constraints of mobile phone- small screen size is a factor?

    • Allie 9:59 am on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I’m quite comfortable with the screen size and the iPhone/Android interface – I adore my iPod Touch, though I don’t use it much for m-learning (it just doesn’t really suit what I’m learning). *However* I’m planning on learning Javascript, the primary language for Android apps, so convinced am I as a result of this class that apps for e- and m-learning are *on* the *rise*. (I also plan on learning the language to be used on Kindle Fire apps, if it isn’t Javascript – so convinced am I that that inexpensive e-reader/app device is well and truly where it will be at in the education market. Apple’s never made a real go of it in education. Witness the e-mac.)

      It is, as y’all mention, the obscene data plans in canada that completely turn me off of smartphones. But it’s other things too. The planned obsolescence that is, imho, rampant in cellphone design really irks me. (For the record, my sewing machine – a portable/mobile as it were!* – is 60 years old, and i’m quite certain that it sews as beautifully now as it did the day it was made. If it sewed any more beautifully, it would have been fit for coco chanel’s studio!). The not-exactly-cheap nokia I bought 2.5 years ago is now throwing fits for no apparent reason (I’m hardly a “power user”), and I’m planning on troubleshooting and macgyvering that thing until completely conks out, if only out of spite.

      I’m also annoyed (really, it’s the best word) with the total fetishism (in the anthropological sense, though perhaps the more colloquial understanding of the word is apt too) of cellphones, as is *AMPLY* demonstrated by the students depicted in Stephen’s response. I was shopping for a smartphone with and for my bf about a year ago. As we were stood in Rogers, testing out a bunch of phones, the saleswoman looks at us and says quietly, with absolute sincerity, that at the end of the day, “you *have* to *love* your phone.”

      rant over!

      but also, i’m intrigued, but also a bit saddened, by how the *service* of telecommunications provision has so rapidly become trumped by the phone-as-commodity. I’m a higher-than-average tech user, but nevertheless, I’m never so interested in the “what does it look like!?” factor as the what does it *do*. And with something as expensive as cellphones – compared to their landline and… partyline!!… antecedents – I’m always thinking of the return on investment.

      *I’m not a quilter, but the particular machine I have (a singer featherweight for the other sewers in class) is *beloved* by quilters for its mobility – it’s lightweight and easy to take to quilting and sewing classes. I believe it was one of the first machines to be designed for mobile learning (in sewing)!

      • Allie 10:08 am on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        forgot to add… in a world where the income gap (within developed countries, never mind between developed and developing) is ever increasing, and we are witnessing the erosion of the middle class, it does bother me that a hitherto $25/month service (what I was paying for a landline until… 2.5 years ago*) has ballooned into $50+/month for what is, in many ways, a much more limited service (unless one has unlimited minutes). And all for (necessary?) mobility. I don’t fault telecomm companies for exploiting this; I just find the whole situation a bit sad.

        forgot also to add… I do forms of m-learning and m-educating, but not on a phone… rather, using my *beloved* mobile broadband stick. It’s replaced my home internet service provider – and at less than 2/3 the cost.

        *I switched for a bare-bones plan & cheap VOIP** over my wireless internet. It suited my needs then. Texting on the run was a plus.
        **voice over internet protocol. calling using my IP address rather than the cellphone companies’ network.

      • David William Price 11:44 am on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks for your thoughtful follow-up!

        You mentioned that m-learning “just doesn’t really suit what I’m learning”. From my research for this week’s topic, I’ve started to think m-learning isn’t so much about “what” we learn as “how” we learn. It’s not about replacing other devices, but leveraging the affordances of mobile to assist us while we’re out exploring in the world. For myself, I think I should spend more time out in the field interacting with people and less time in my office. I wonder how I could leverage mobile as a performance support… and as a way to collect field data and collaborate… as an Ed Tech’er, I see plenty of examples of good and bad human performance technology… how could I use mobile to help me and my friends and colleagues consider and interpret those real-world experiences?

        You also mention “planned obsolescence”. My discussions with a multinational also highlighted the extremely fast pace of change both in hardware and software and the difficulty keeping up. The designer I spoke with basically said they have to choose a form of “lowest common denominator” and target that for their project. Instead of chasing the bleeding edge, we can make strategic decisions… and perhaps HTML5 and web apps will help reduce this kind of churn!

        • Allie 2:43 pm on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          I agree fully with our point about the ‘how’ we learn and I think that I was moving towards that in my 2nd paragraph in my original post when discussing my felt need to move – particularly when learning – and the creative juxtapositions that can take place can be unsettling, confirming, or eye-opening. As an eg., I live across the street from the BC supreme court… I imagine that using an m-learning object within the context of that space… or one of the places around here lawyers like to hang out at… could produce a far different educ exp than the same object in a law school).

          One of the affordances of m-learning that I find quite intriguing is that it untethers learners from a given learning environment or context; by the same token, the learning environment – now unpredictable – can (not will!) become more significant to the lesson than ever.

          As for planned obsolescence, I’m not surprised to learn (haha!) that the lowest-hanging fruit is core to many design decisions. That being said, I feel quite certain in the argument that for non-techies, Apple’s relative lack of PO in their designs — both cosmetically and technologically — has helped them win many fans/customers. (crikey… my folks are still using an almost-8 year old ibook!)

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