
Enjoy the brief look at Dropbox.

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2 comments on “Dropbox
  1. momoe says:

    Personally I’ve used both drop box and google Drive, and I find Drive more user friendly. What does everyone else think? Is there an advantage of using drop box over google drive that I’m not aware of?

    • naomi says:

      I agree with you. I’ve tried Dropbox as well because everyone kept saying how great it was. The downside is that synching items directly from other apps isn’t possible. In my experience I had to save everything to the drop box folder – It wasn’t at all convenient. I also work in a place where everyone shares teh computers, there are no private accounts. The free version only lets you synch a small amount of material. I created a slide show from my trip to Morocco and only half of it would upload. Google drive gives you so much free space, that I still have over 90% free availability. Plus I can create in Drive, which I can’t do in dropbox. I’m not really sure what all the fuss is about!

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