
The Evernote Web Clipper extension is necessary to take part in this activity. It can be downloaded at this link for most browsers. Choose your browser from the green dropdown menu. We debated the necessity of downloading an extension, but we believe that the tool is amazing and we hope you agree.

Once the Web Clipper is installed, grab a screenshot of something wonderful you found on Pinterest last week.

1. Click on the new “clip to evernote” icon you’ll see in your browser toolbar,

2. Select “screenshot”,

3. Mark up the screenshot using the markup tools

4. When you’re done, click on the “Share” button, and the share url will be saved to your clipboard.

5. Come back to this blog and paste your url into the comment box below.

23 comments on “Activity
  1. troymoore says:

    I normally use pic pick as my screen shooter, however that requires saving it to my drive, then posting the picture. Evernote’s share function makes it very versatile.

  2. Rocky Lam says:

    I was a little confused on what it was actually capturing in the screen, I wanted to capture the whole document but it only worked for a small part. I liked how you could immediately modify the image in Chrome and share for flexibility and accessibility. I am an ENFJ 🙂

    • John Lee says:

      Hi Rocky,

      For our activity, I suggested that people choose “screenshot” and it would be just that; a shot of what was on your screen. I believe if you want more, there are selections for “full page”, which I believe grabs the full page. The “simplified article” choice feels new, I don’t remember it being there before. The “article” choice is interesting as it tries to make selections of what you might find relevant on the page.

      I’ve been playing with Evernote for years, but never fully committed to it as a tool. However, I’m always impressed by its usefulness when I revisit it.

  3. jetz66 says:

    Interesting tool. I can see how this could be useful, especially to support staff in a district and to teachers who are lesson planning. Thanks for the share!

  4. Sylvain Menard says:

    I have been using Evernote for about a year, and find it very useful, However I don’t use it for work because the computers at my school run on Linux and the two are not compatible. I am still waiting for Evernote to come up with a Linux compatible version.

  5. jiorns says:

    I think your team’s consideration of what is involved in browser extension downloads is very thoughtful.
    I was adding Evernote Clipper to Internet Explorer until the extension asked me to disable a security setting in the browser. There was no similar issue with adding the extension to a Chrome browser, so that is the extension I used to create my first shared Evernote.
    A narrative and picture.

    • John Lee says:

      Thanks for the effort, Jann. Hopefully you’ll find the Chrome extension worth keeping.

      Your comment, as well as Sylvain’s above, serve as reminders to the variety of platforms and browsers which are available to us. And while the cloud is designed for accessibility, that variety must be such a challenge for cloud service providers.

      Thanks again for your participation!

  6. aadair says:

    Does anyone here have a preference for Evernote over Pinterest (or vice-versa?)

  7. I’d tried Evernote for mobile devices back in 2009, and again in 2011, but neither time hooked me. I know the dates because when I log into my old account, there are my old saved notes! I enjoyed this activity on a laptop, and could see it being useful. The activity did crash my Chrome browser twice, though, while trying to put arrows on a document. Even so, I think I will keep the app for a while and see what happens. Thank you for the reintroduction, Team2!


    Here is the link. Had a lot of difficulty with this. I would definitely need some time to get used to this platform. Hello learning curve. I am intrigued though.

  9. jasonharbor says:

    I usually use either Jing or Snagit as my image capture tools, this may be useful as well!

  10. Alex Lemon says:

    Thanks for the intro to Evernote. I had looked into it a little bit and thought it wasn’t much more than a To-do app. It’s clearly much more than that. I can see the potential for storage of all sorts of useful digital materials with multiple ways of accessing the data. I also like the idea of a place to easily store and retrieve ideas about work and personal things.

  11. Dale Pearce says:

    I had to redo as I missed a couple of options. This will take a little time to get used to.

  12. momoe says:

    This tool is great. I’ve used the webclipper before but it looks like they’ve added a few new options like “simple article”. I think I’ll be using it more often! Thanks again!

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