Google Docs

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8 comments on “Google Docs
  1. jetz66 says:

    Great presentation! I love that you used the tool to highlight its capabilities! Well done!

  2. momoe says:

    Thanks for your slides. I didn’t know about the flash card capability, but really excited to try it out. There were a few things that I couldn’t do on Drive that I could on Office, like merging cells….but I hope they are working towards changing that.

    • troymoore says:

      The options on Google docs are lacking in comparison, but it is free. That is one of the elements that make docs so successful, it’s free!

  3. dmp6 says:

    Good presentation. Thanks for the flash card app. I find there is a lot to Bo with the suite and as you say it is free.

  4. jiorns says:

    Thanks for this fun-loving presentation. I didn’t know about the Flash Cards feature so thanks for sharing that. Have you used it by the way?
    I really like GoogleDocs for collaborative projects and find the comment feature helpful for questions and discussions. The shared creation and editing space is very user friendly, although have you noticed that sometimes the spacing goes a bit weird when you’re inputting?
    Asynchronous and synchronous collaboration is good on GoogleDocs.

  5. amb585 says:

    I started out thinking I knew all about google docs. But I didn’t know about the flash card feature or the research one. Thank you!

  6. Nice presentation guys. Kudos for the Dunder Mifflin picture. Nice touch.

  7. mdetharet says:

    Love the slide show, what a neat way to include it into a presentation. Well done!

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