
Once you’ve watched the slideshow, click on this link which will take you a shared Google document containing our collaborative activity for this section.

Sign into the document and add in a line or paragraph to the story. The shared doc (so far) shows up below. Thanks for your participation!

7 comments on “Activity
  1. jetz66 says:

    Great use of Google Docs! Very fun activity!

  2. jldr says:

    Yes, it is developing into quite the story isn’t it? 🙂

  3. Fun use of GDocs! Another use is posting a GDoc image source into a website. The image will refresh as the website is updated and reflect collaborative changes. Some blogs and wikis (Wikispaces, for example) have widgets that even allow the whole GDoc editor to be embedded within a page 🙂

    • leemail says:

      Thanks Nicola! We’ve been able to locate a plugin for viewing a shared document on WordPress, but so far haven’t come up with anything that allows for editing from the blog. Instead of posting the final result on the blog, we’ll see if we can’t get the viewer to show it to us as we move along.

      Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. jldr says:

    This sounds like a great idea! Thanks for the information Nicola!

  5. Dale Pearce says:

    A fun activity.

  6. Alex Lemon says:

    That was fun. The story idea was a great way to showcase the tool as well as the handy collaborative comments feature. Very useful. Also very difficult to stick to just one line. Thanks!

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