
Try your hand at coding, or better yet, get your students into coding?

Check out these interactive games and let us know what you think in the comment box below.

Scratch                    Kodable                            Code Avengers

fun and                   an ipad                                  for all ages

 free                           game                                      and free

9 comments on “Activity
  1. jldr says:

    Scratch would be a good tool to use before introducing App Inventor.

  2. jldr says:

    Code Avengers is great for learning
    – to pay attention to details
    – perseverance

  3. Adeel Farooq says:

    Our middle school just adopted Scratch with great success. We are trying to provide some programming starting in grade 6 and Scratch seemed like the logical place to start. For my high school kids I move them to which they enjoy for a while, oh and you get badges!

  4. jldr says:

    Thanks for the link to Code Academy, it is definitely something to look into. With your experience, I am curious what you thought about Code Avengers. Do you see this fitting into your program at all? If so, at what level do you think it would be most appropriate?

    • Adeel Farooq says:

      I like Code Avengers. Its a little more interactive compared to Codecademy. I see them as substitutes. Maybe next term I’ll put half on them on one and the other half on the other and see how they progress.

  5. I think coding is definitely important to introduce in school to allow people to become comfortable with these technologies. I particularly liked Code Avengers. They gave me bonus points for learning quickly!

  6. Scratch was interesting, I could see a child really enjoying it. It has some similarities to LOGO but it’s far more diverse in how you can manipulate it. Code Avengers is awesome! I’m going to keep using it in my spare time. I’ve always wanted to know how to code java. I used to be able to code HTML quite well but I’ve lost most of what I knew unfortunately. These days, HTML5 is so user friendly that knowing HTML is sort of a lost skill anyways.

  7. mdetharet says:

    I really liked Scratch, it seemes more like a agame and less like “work”. Java code is still difficult for me but with Scratch at leas it was fun!

  8. naomi says:

    I like scratch to, but what is really appealing is code avengers. I didn’t try the ipad app, as I don’t own an ipad.

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