App Development Tools

With the ever increasing popularity of apps of all sizes and descriptions, more and more people are interested in creating their own apps. In the past, this was only possible if you had at least a basic knowledge of computer programming. However, new app development tools are coming to the forefront that allow complete novices to design and publish functional apps. Here is a summary of 7 Things You Should Know About Application Development Tools.

What is it?

App development tools are programs that allow anyone to build apps without having to know how to write code.

How does it work?

App developers are presented with a graphical interface that allows them to drag and drop the desired functions into a template from a menu of choices. With each choice, code is added to the app. The platform also usually allows users to test their app with an emulator.

Who’s doing it?

In the field of education, the early adopters of these tools are primarily college and university students and faculty. However, interest is also developing in K-12 students.

Elsewhere, they appeal to hobbyists, tech enthusiasts and professional app developers.

Why is it significant?

Because custom-built apps usually involve advanced programming skills and commercial apps are not generally intended for education, simple app development tools could allow students and teachers to create apps to meet their own needs. By introducing students to app development, they could also inspire them to develop their programming skills for creating, modifying and testing apps.

What are the downsides?

App development tools presently offer only a limited number of templates and functions. Therefore, novice developers may find it difficult to personalize and market the apps they create. While it is possible to create basic apps with these programs, it is difficult to find many examples or tutorials for creating educational apps. In addition, most of the programs require some programming skill in order to take full advantage of the features available. Therefore, most users may not have the necessary skills to create apps with the desired functions. This is made more likely by the fact that less experienced users may not be aware of all the intricacies of app development and maintenance. Even though many app building tutorials are titled, “How to Build an App in __ minutes”, this would require intricate knowledge of the  features of good apps, a plan for the app you want to create and a library of pre-assembled files and links to use.

Where is it going?

Personal app development could accelerate the use of mobile devices in the classroom. It may also lead to customized apps for specialized areas of study and spread the interest in app development into disciplines other than those directly related to computer science. As it develops, it may also create increased demand for better online systems for cataloguing, locating and selecting appropriate apps from the multitude of choices available.

What are the implications for teaching and learning?

The use of app development tools could allow faculty to create tools to suit their own specific needs and students to create apps relevant to specific courses. It may also inspire students to refine their app developing and programming skills with the intent of making this a career option. These in turn could lead to the enhanced quality and availability of educational apps in the future.


 All done?  Check out the examples!

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