
Post feedback on your experience using the Infinite Monkeys, iBuildApp or 

App Inventor app development tools in the comment box below.


Suggest an idea for a new educational app:

What is it?

How will it work?

Who will use it?

Why is it needed?


 If interested, check out how to become an app developer!

10 comments on “Activity
  1. jldr says:

    Although I found the Infinite Monkeys interface to be the simplest to use, I found myself gravitating towards AppInventor. I have absolutely no experience in this area and found the step-by-step videos, as well as the educational focus, to be very attractive. Unfortunately, I was not able to access the preassembled files to complete my app.

  2. troymoore says:

    Loved the Monkeys app, created an app called Thesaurus Rex, I wanted to make an app that would roar synonyms at you. I thought it was brilliant plan. However, I quickly realized I lacked the skill to make one. Also the cost of the apps, was something I didn’t fully expect.

  3. leemail says:

    I miss App Inventor. Thanks so much for that link, I didn’t know that MIT had picked up the project. When Google dropped the service, I thought it was gone forever.

    I prefer App Inventor. To make a bad analogy, it feels like original Lego vs Lego of today. Back then, it was a bunch of blocks and you could make whatever you wanted. Today, it comes in predefined kits which contain lots of specialty pieces for a predefined purpose. App Inventor feels like crude little blocks, but they let you create without limits.

  4. jldr says:

    I understand what you mean. Once you become familiar with the platform and the functions you can let your imagination take over!

  5. jetz66 says:

    I think that more districts and educational institutions should keep and maintain apps that provide calendars, PD information, sporting events, updated pictures and websites, etc. This is something that I would like to propose to my own district.

  6. Diane says:

    Thanks for the learning this week. I really enjoyed playing around with Infinite Monkey and App Inventor and look forward to digging in a little further in a few months.

  7. Suggest an idea for a new educational app:

    I’ve recently started teaching ESL and I have a 1 on 1 class with a man who speaks almost no English. He is constantly plugged into his iPhone dictionary trying to communicate. However, the dictionary is Chinese to English. At times it doesn’t work and I would also like to have him connecting English to ideas, not Chinese.

    Anyway. I would love to make an app that is a video dictionary. What a great way to explore new vocabulary! It could be collaborative with users uploading 5 sec videos to illustrate words. It could also be full searchable, as well as being clustered into themes.

    It would be useful for ESL students and could be used to illustrate more difficult concepts for native speakers. We can cater to the visual learners out there!

  8. I haven’t tried he app developers yet, but strictly from their videos it seemed to me that Infinite Monkeys had the most straightforward user interface. I think a creative type could do great things with App Inventor, but it seems to be a bit more technically challenging (as you adroitly pointed out).

    I could foresee creating an app in Infinite Monkeys for all my students to organize class internet resources and social media. This could be really handy as students would have everything there in one place. Very cool!

  9. mdetharet says:

    I really like the idea of Infinite monkey and I did try to make one, but I found that it took me a lot of time to gather all my information, but maybe with more knowledge and time this could be faster. I just don’t have the time right now 🙂

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