
Post your feedback on English360 or Mobile ESL in the comment box below.

10 comments on “Activity
  1. jldr says:

    Although I do not have any experience teaching ESL, the mobile ESL lessons seem like they would be very engaging since they are interactive and provide immediate feedback.

  2. troymoore says:

    I know a number of international students who rely heavily on ESL apps. Language struggles affect them deeply. The one true benefit of some apps is the ability to help instantaneously.

  3. jetz66 says:

    I would like to see platforms such as mobile ESL adapted for other languages as well. Maybe I will have to download that source code and learn to program so I can get some French content going!

  4. Terri S says:

    I can see these types of apps being very helpful in the global corporate world. The more wired we become the more the more demand there is on cross border business and the need to have at least a rudimentary grasp of the languages spoken by those that we work with on a regular basis. And of course like other types of corporate training, we want it on demand and often via mobile delivery modes. – Terri

  5. Rocky Lam says:

    English360 seems to have like a Moodle-like platform? I liked how structured everything was on Mobile ESL, gives you a sense of direction, but not sure how effective it would be to motivate me to learn.

  6. jiorns says:

    English 360 is impressive, given it has a vast amount of digital Cambridge University Press content (an elite curriculum provider for teachers of ESL/EFL).
    I delved a little further to find out more about the service to teachers and to institutions. It’s not really a free OER.
    Teachers working independent of any institution (e.g. freelancer or self-employed) will incur a charge when learners start using the platform. Schools can receive the English360 platform with added benefits of school branding, a unique URL, and administration-teacher accounts, but there is a minimum payment of €90 per month for a year.
    Once onboard, there is opportunity to share and source resources from others in the ESL community – at no cost.

  7. I’m currently working in Vancouver at a private college that offers some ESL programs. These programs are textbook based. I was in the registrar’s office the other day and saw the fees. The students are paying more than twice as much for ESL as we are for our graduate program. Money is definitely not an issue for this market. What the students of this school want is the prestige of the name and the location. These online programs and apps would not be an issue financially for my students but I wonder if they are worried too much about the actual skills they are learning or if it is more about being able to tell people where they learned it. Of course this is one particular situation but it is interesting none-the-less.

  8. aadair says:

    I stuck this in the wrong spot before and can’t delete! Sorry for the repeat.

    I am a huge fan of Cambridge publications for ESL teaching, and they have a wide variety of online products. I feel the only way to get a straight answer about the pricing would be to talk to a Cambridge representative. With English 360, unlike their “Touchstone” online products, you may customize the Cambridge content you want to apply to your course. If I were to start my own online school, Cambridge content would be my first consideration. The thing which “turns me off” is the opaque pricing system. As an individual teacher you may access the resources for free, which would have been very helpful as I studied for my CELTA. But allowing more than 9 students to access the LMS system seems like I would need a lawyer or accountant just to explain the cost. I wonder about the incentive of these hoops I have to jump through to find out concrete answers about pricing, do you think Cambridge is filtering out their client base to more corporate interest?

  9. Not only do I love the concept behind English360, but its right in my career area. I am currently working as an ESL curriculum developer and online teacher. I have always liked the Cambridge series and have a lot of experience using their books, but I also like to add my own content whenever possible. For me, this is almost the perfect tool to do so. I’m highly considering signing up for the service. Thank you so much for exposing me to this great teaching tool.

  10. tclee1 says:

    Thanks a lot for recommending English 360, it’s really useful especially because I am an ESL teacher at a private college so I have to find my own resources for classes during the day and after school. I think it’s great in terms of its various readily available resources, the customizable instructions and user-friendly tools so that I can make assignments intriguing and personalize them through the course organizer to fit each student’s needs. This type of platform also provides for an interactive interface which can build communication between teachers and students. Moreover, I like the function of online Cambridge dictionary support which gives my ESL students an easy-access to comprehend and complete their assignments and activities more efficiently.

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