Group Activities

Introductory Activity

You will all be working together in groups over the next few classes to create your final project which will present recommendations to your community regarding potential alternative energy sources for electrical generation.

Your first task is to watch the following videos to understand the context of this issue. As you watch the videos consider these questions:

  1. What are the main problems with using fossil fuels?
  2. What are some of the alternative energy sources being used around the world?
  3. How does this discussion relate to your community?


Alternative Energy Sources

There’s no Energy Crisis, There is a Crisis of Ignorance

In the DISCUSSION FORUM introduce yourselves to your fellow students:

1. Where do you live and why are you taking this course?

2. Talk about two or three of the issues that are identified in these videos that are important to your community. Why are they important? How do they apply to the overall situation in Northern Canada?

Respond to the postings of fellow classmates as you come to understand their community situation.

Array of solar panels at Nahanni-butte


Focus Questions to Consider :

1.What are the problems associated with diesel generation of electricity in the north?

2.What are the positives and negatives of each of the alternative/renewable energy sources?  And for diesel? For example:

a) Is this power source renewable?

b) What are the environmental impacts of this kind of energy?

c) Does this power source create greenhouse gases? If yes, how?

d) Are there other impacts from this type of energy generation? If so, what are they?

Group Activity Task #1:

  1. Each group has four people. Each person will choose one of the four types of energy production (3 renewable sources: hydro, solar, and wind; and the conventional fossil fuel diesel) to research.
  2. As a group use the above questions to develop some criteria to evaluate the alternative energy sources and diesel.
  3. Evaluate the best alternative energy source for your community and provide the reasons for your choice.
  4. Create a brief presentation of your criteria and your evaluations of each energy source for other groups.
  5. Include your group’s final recommendation, and your justification.
  6. Post your group conclusions to the Discussion Forum.
  7. Provide feedback on other group’s conclusions.
  8. As a group, make any changes to your presentation as a result of class discussion. Ensure you have a clear way of organizing your information and any resources you are using to support your position.  All these materials will be used to create your final project in the next activity.


Here are a few good reliable resources and websites, but feel free to explore. There are also more resources if you follow the resource page link:


Renewable Energy Opportunities


Follow-up Group Activity #2: Community Meeting Presentation

The issues that you are researching are currently being addressed by societies around the world, and are being discussed in all northern communities.

  1. Given that your community is now looking into using alternative, renewable energy sources to replace the old diesel generator, what would you recommend to your community as the best alternative?
  2. What are your reasons?

1. As a group create a presentation for a community meeting that summarizes all the information you have gathered about the different alternative, renewable energy options. Present your recommendation for an alternative energy source and the reasons your group feels it is the best choice.

2. Use any multimedia format you wish – a web site, wiki space, a blog, a Powerpoint – ideally something that will be accessible and open to all community members.

3. Assessment will be based on your group participation, the group summary produced for the class, and your multimedia presentation for the community. If your presentation is engaging and thorough, you might find your community will want to use it to present their position to government!

You may link on the Assessment Rubrics to review the criteria.




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