Monthly Archives: February 2023

My WISE Customization

The Power of Plants to Disrupt Cancer Cell Reproduction I explored customizations for the activity “What makes a good cancer medicine? Observing mitosis and cell processes.” The activity targets grades 9 – 12 and suggests a time commitment of 4-5 … Continue reading

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SKI and WISE Intro

Setting a Background to Customizing Anchored Instruction The WISE (Web-based Inquiry Science Environment) Program What was the motivation to create WISE? WISE provided a means to support teachers in creating engaging, inquiry-based science learning environments that could be customized to … Continue reading

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Reflections on Jasper Series Symposium

Anchored for Success: Technology-Enhanced Activities As education evolves, new approaches to learning emerge, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. One such approach is anchored instruction (AI), which utilizes authentic contexts to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, … Continue reading

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The Jasper Series

The Adventures of Jasper Woodbury (a.k.a. The Jasper Series) The Jasper Series is a math multi-media education project consisting of 12 digital videos that targets students at grade 5 and higher. The project was developed by a group of researchers … Continue reading

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PCK and TPCK: Two Theoretical Frameworks Describing Teacher Knowledge Required for Effective Teaching

PCK and TPCK are two theoretical frameworks that examine the necessary teacher knowledge and skills required to effectively teach a given body of knowledge.” (ChatGPT, 2023) A Brief History of Teacher Knowledge Frameworks In “Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in … Continue reading

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The Intersection of Technology, Teaching, and Learning

What is Technology? In preparation for thinking about technology-enhanced learning environments (TELEs), I first answer the question, “what is technology?” This expansive question results in different answers, reflecting various perspectives and priorities. Although in this course, our focus is on … Continue reading

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Implementing Technology in the Classroom: A Teacher’s Perspective

The following article summarizes key statements made by Teacher T, a veteran educator with over 20 years experience focused in the field of adult education. In the interview he shares his practice, observations, and insights related to his use of … Continue reading

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