Author Archives: bhalland

A Reflective Analysis of Teaching with Technology: The Intersection of Theory and Practice

My reflections on this course begin with recollecting my original motivations and professional context. I took this course to learn more about integrating technology into my math courses and better support student learning. I like learning new ideas and techniques … Continue reading

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Immersive Mathematics Learning: Info Vis Using GeoGebra’s Augmented Reality

THE RESEARCH IS IMPRESSIVE! GeoGebra, a free and versatile dynamic mathematics software program, has expanded as an Augmented Reality (AR) tool (Kronk, 2018). There are many benefits to AR Technology. Tomaschko and Hohenwarter (2019) cite Bower et al. (2014), Dunleavy & … Continue reading

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Embodied Learning: Analyzing Immersive Technology Options

Compare and contrast learning with two (or more) different tools. Include specific examples. Virtual learning realities expand opportunities and generate curiosity and excitement for learners. Hsi (2008) discusses virtual and augmented reality integration into informal learning institutions (such as public … Continue reading

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From Plato to Graphing Calculators: The Return of the Body in Mathematics Education

I found Winn’s (2003) overview of how cognitive neuroscience contributes to a system-theory view on learning a refreshing perspective on how learning occurs in artificial (digital) learning environments. This theory includes a conceptual framework that focuses on three interdependent aspects:  … Continue reading

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Informal and Formal Settings: Mobilizing Knowledge with IT Tools

Carraher et al.’s (1985) study, “Mathematics in the Streets and in Schools” examined the mathematical abilities of children street vendors with little formal education. They found that the children understood important mathematical concepts and could effectively and accurately use these … Continue reading

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A Synthesis of Foundational TELEs

TELE Blossoms in Fertile Foundations Examining the four foundational TELEs presented in Module B reveals a lot of similarities. They all reflect a constructivist learning paradigm and employ teaching and learning strategies that encourage learners to indicate their current understandings, … Continue reading

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T-GEM Model & Chemland

Using Desmos for “Playing Catch-Up” – a T-GEM Lesson for Math 10C (AB) Big Idea: Representing and analyzing situations allows us to notice and wonder about relationships Curricular Competencies: Students are expected to be able to do the following: ·        Reasoning … Continue reading

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Learning for Understanding (LfU) & My World, ARCGIS

In what ways would you teach an LfU-based activity to explore a concept in math or science? Draw on LfU and My World scholarship to support your pedagogical directions. Given its social and cognitive affordances, extend the discussion by describing … Continue reading

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My WISE Customization

The Power of Plants to Disrupt Cancer Cell Reproduction I explored customizations for the activity “What makes a good cancer medicine? Observing mitosis and cell processes.” The activity targets grades 9 – 12 and suggests a time commitment of 4-5 … Continue reading

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SKI and WISE Intro

Setting a Background to Customizing Anchored Instruction The WISE (Web-based Inquiry Science Environment) Program What was the motivation to create WISE? WISE provided a means to support teachers in creating engaging, inquiry-based science learning environments that could be customized to … Continue reading

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