Getting Started

Getting started on a successful implementation of BYOD at school necessitates a huge amount of pre-planning and decision making on the part of the teachers individually, and as a school team. This section intends to provide support for a few crucial aspects of BYOD where the teachers would have to make major decisions which would dictate the success or failure of the project.

Choosing a BYOD Model:

Although BYOD is often referred to as one single model, there are many interpretations. It’s important to match the student’s devices to the school’s pedagogical goals. BYOD models take many forms. Given that most 1-to-1 learning programs are built around students having 24-hour access to their own laptop, the options primarily become who chooses what type of student devices and how they are funded (Tierney, 2013). Security and management concerns generally drive these decisions.



Choosing appropriate learning frameworks and evaluating available tools.

Once the BYOD model is decided upon, it is necessary to choose the appropriate learning framework and evaluate the available tools based on the framework with regards to how to best deliver the intended curriculum. Zeroing in on the correct tools depends on both the learning frameworks, and the content to be delivered. A teacher might want to use more than one learning framework or tool depending on the student, content, and context.



