Moving Forward …

This week marks the end of my ETEC 533 journey. I went into the course hoping I would find alternatives and resources for teaching math and science to upper elementary students that would improve my practice. Technology makes a regular appearance in my class and by and large I know my students are exposed to  more than most, but I also know there are probably better ways of carrying this out. Actually, there are times when I knew there had to be, especially in the areas of math and science.

Although intense and daunting at times, I have relished the activities and readings I`ve been exposed to in the last three months. This course made me think. It made me analyze, no I think scrutinize would be a better descriptor, my own practice like I never have before. There have been great resources along the way that I have collected and will share with students, but the greatest growth and learning has come from the pedagogical approaches that I have been introduced to and my investigation around how these currently fit with my practice and how they can be interwoven into my future teaching.

I came looking for resources and activities. I am leaving with a stronger sense of pedagogy and who I want to be as a teacher. It’s the latter that will affect the most change and afford more opportunities to use technology, be it new or established resources, to create more authentic and engaging learning opportunities.

From a student’s perspective, I want each of them to be able to:

  • be engaged in their learning
  • develop useful knowledge they can access in future contexts
  • experience authenticity within a learning environment
  • have opportunities to make their thinking visible and see the thinking of others as well
  • socially construct knowledge and build collective understanding
  • share and learn from different perspectives
  • participate in generative rather than passive activities
  • aggregate data and information to see the strength in collective and collaborative learning
  • revise, modify, and apply feedback to continue to refine their understanding and conceptualization

As a teacher, I am more aware of how I can make all of the above happen and how to use technology to enhance the learning experience, demonstrate phenomena that students do not have access to, and carve new paths for understanding concepts individually and collectively. Through this course I have learned the value of:

  • abductive reasoning
  • mental models
  • information visualization
  • embracing coupling: informatic participation through technology overlapping in the same space  normal as traditional classroom participation
  • pedagogically developed social practices to enrich virtual and ‘real’ learning communities
  • networked communities and networked learning
  • inquiry-based learning through the T-GEM and Learning for Use frameworks and how this fits into my practice
  • How People Learn and how the principles of a knowledge, learner, assessment, and community-centered classroom can become cornerstones in the development and sustainability of a culture of learning in my classroom.

Creating the learning environment I want for my students starts with the pedagogical foundation I choose to lay. Pedagogy is never too far from most teachers’ thoughts. But until now, I didn’t fully realize I wasn’t tapping into my own theotetical base as much as I needed to. It’s one thing to understand and contemplate pedagogy in general. It’s another to understand and contemplate it as it applies to your personal practice. This requires a depth of reflection and analysis that prompts you to assess if your ideology matches your actions. Hopefully, they are one in the same. If not, like me, you have some work to do.

For a more detailed synthesis of my learning in ETEC 533, please visit the e-Folio Analysis page.

image: “The real problem is not adding technology to the current organization of the classroom, but changing the culture of teaching and learning” by langwitches released under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial – Share Alike license

Teachers as Learners: The Link to Reform

The My World software offers students the opportunity to work with compiled data and investigate its relationship to the world in various contexts. It has significant applications for Science, Social Studies and Math. The Analyze option enables users to create tables of comparative data that can be exported and accessed at at later date. After completing a sample lesson locating major world cities with a proximity of 500 km or less from Vancouver and measuring their distance away, I explored some of the other data sets in new layers in a new project. I was able to locate and measure the distance of volcanoes within a certain range in relation to Victoria and Vancouver, B.C. The data offered interesting information about each volcano in the table it generated including elevation, type and last eruption. Considering most students would be surprised by how many volcanoes are actually in our general vicinity, this information could be the motivation for the first step in the Learning for Use framework. Reaching the limits of their understanding, knowing there is a need for new knowledge to understand this phenomena – because who wouldn’t want to know more about volcanoes in your own backyard! – would elicit a desire to learn more.

Becoming comfortable with the My World software is essential as I didn’t find it very intuitive overall. Working with layers and navigating through the Analysis option can be cumbersome. I ran into a glitch with the Analysis option when I was exploring different features in the program.  Suddenly, choosing a way of analyzing wasn’t an option and for some reason (I didn’t have a lot of time to investigate, unfortunately) this happened when I started a new project from already inside the program versus starting one when the program first opened. I don’t mind trouble shooting with technology. In fact, I enjoy the challenge, but I know that others would get frustrated and decide it’s not worth it.

Although this was an issue specifically with My World, this problem drew me back to Edelson’s advice about educator’s implementing the LfU framework and how important it is that the constructivist theory of learning embedded within its structure needs to be embraced by teachers as learners, too. If teachers are to “learn to use it successfully, they must go through a learning process themselves that incorporates the steps of Learning for Use” (Edelson, 2001, p. 381). To do this, it takes time and we all know how time gets in the way of a lot of things we want to do as teachers. I think this is a big hurdle in educational reform. There are great ideas for change, proven ideas, but to really understand and embrace new pedagogy and revise your practice, you must commit to spending time being a learner first.

Pellegrino and Brophy (2008) also mentioned the obstacles created by inert knowledge and the measures they took in the Jasper Series to increase students’ transfer skills. They were committed to not giving “students tools because these can often be applied without understanding, causing people to fail to adapt when situations change” (p. 283). To a teacher, would LfU not be considered a tool? And if it’s demonstrated to them and they are interested in applying it, how do we encourage teachers to take the time to experience it as a learner? How do we convince them that the time is worth it and how understanding the framework is vital to being successful with it? An inquiry model isn’t something you can script – otherwise it becomes mechanical and loses authenticity. You need to breathe it.

I’ve ended up thinking a lot about this dilemma. The goal of LfU is to overcome inert knowledge and help students generate useful knowledge, but do all teachers know the difference between routine expertise and adaptive expertise? How many teachers are experts with inert knowledge and believe this is the goal of education? Adopting pedagogical models like LfU on a wider basis may have more obstacles in their way than anticipated. Are we asking teachers to teach skills that they may not possess themselves? Edeslon is absolutely correct when he states that integrating LfU “is not a simple process” (2008, p. 381). But at the same time, I think there is simplicity in the LfU framework that increases the likelihood that teachers are able to connect with it’s pedagogical design, if time (there it is again) is put into helping others understand it. It could be a model that schools adopt as common ground for developing an inquiry base with students.

Volcanoes Near Victoria & Vancouver (analysis table example)

image: volcano erupting, Guatemala by photosbesthike by phreleased under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial license

Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(3), 355-385.

Pellegrino, J.W. & Brophy, S. (2008). From cognitive theory to instructional practice: Technology and the evolution of anchored instruction. In Ifenthaler, Pirney-Dunner, & J.M. Spector (Eds.) Understanding models for learning and instruction, New York: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 277-303.

Using Technology to Create Powerful & Effective Learning Environments

Using anchored instruction in the Jasper series, instructional designers sought to create effective learning environments that were knowledge-centered, learner-centered, assessment-centered, and community-centered encapsulating the four dimensions of How People Learn. Authentic complex problems became the anchors around which activities and instruction were based helping students connect with a wider community while providing a window into the relevance of math and science outside the classroom. The possibility for multiple solutions also offered students greater perspective on the application of math concepts in the real world, and having access to multiple perspectives in the classroom exposed students to different perceptions among individuals and the collective. The challenges integrated experiential learning, guided learning and active learning promoting increased opportunity for developing “adaptive expertise” rather than limiting students to “routine expertise” which does not require depth of understanding to complete tasks quickly and accurately (Corte, 2007). Teachers were encouraged to further support students increasing flexibility of transfer by exposing them to analog problems designed to stimulate the invention of solutions for recurring problems, consequently enhancing students’ willingness and readiness to take risks with new learning challenges and seek effective solutions.

Technology played a key role in the designers’ efforts to integrate instructional strategies and tools that supported meaningful learning through the investigation of authentic problems within a scaffolded environment. Using video, complex problems involving the practical use of mathematical skills could be introduced to students in an authentic context that could be view and reviewed. This created a unified foundation for the students who then worked collaboratively to generate ideas while still allowing for the development of multiple perspectives promoting increased flexibility of thought. Incorporating technology also offered increased learner engagement and a creative method of introducing math-related scenarios that cannot be duplicated within a classroom without it. Access to important information and data was improved with the development of technology tools allowing student navigation of the video story in a non-linear fashion, emphasizing that authentic problem solving does not require a rigid set of rules that must be followed in a particular manner – it is a process of visiting and revisiting data, as well as refining and applying potential solutions. The technology base helped strengthen the development of a community of learners through collaborative inquiry working towards finding a common goal, although greater gains could have been achieved if the Jasper technology had offered similar social opportunities to the SMART model whereby students had access to a more robust collection of alternate perspectives, including real students’ work. In addition, technology could have afforded increased formative assessment opportunities (self, peer, teacher) encouraging conceptual growth and greater understanding about the value of revision. As noted by Pellegrino and Brophy (2008), the depth of formative assessment and community building within the Jasper project could have been improved upon. Technology could have help the designers balance the four dimensions of How People Learn to a greater extent; however, technology that could facilitate these two areas has improved tremendously over the last two decades and the options for integrating it for these purposes today presents a different context than what was available to the Jasper designers at the time.


Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992a). The Jasper experiment: An exploration of issues in learning and instructional design. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 40(1), 65-80.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992b). The Jasper series as an example of anchored instruction: Theory, program, description, and assessment data. Educational Psychologist, 27(3), 291-315.

Corte, E. (2007). Learning from instruction: The case of mathematics. Learning Inquiry, 1, 119–30. doi: 10.1007/s11519-007-0002-4.

Pellegrino, J.W. & Brophy, S. (2008). From cognitive theory to instructional practice: Technology and the evolution of anchored instruction. In Ifenthaler, Pirney-Dunner, & J.M. Spector (Eds.) Understanding models for learning and instruction, New York: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 277-303.

image: Anchor by Keka 😉 released under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial – No Derivative Works license

Jasper Impressions

In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee developed and launched The Adventures of Jasper Woodbury, which consisted of a series of videos and mathematical problem solving scenarios aimed at middle school students. The videos depict real people in authentic situations that require math reasoning to solve.

Springing onto the educational scene in 20-30 years ago, this series would have been cutting edge in terms of video quality and problem-based learning. Allowing students to move through problems and challenges at their own pace provided more opportunities for learning,but the video clips viewed in Lesson 1 did not showcase the interactivity potential that is promoted by Vanderbilt. How do expectations for interactivity in a TELE compare between the late 80’s and the present? This goes hand in hand with inquiring into what social collaboration entailed, and how it was used. Given the time frame for this series, asynchronous learning was probably most relevant, but with the advent of greater social media, how could this affect interactions, collaborative opportunities and how collective knowledge is built?

Pedagogical design left me with some questions as well. How did the Jasper Series address diversity of instruction to meet various learning styles? Would this meet expectations today? As interesting as some of the problems seemed, it left me feeling that students seem to be expected to fill and keep a lot of information in their heads as they are navigating the problem. How did this program fare, with specific attention to student abilities and learning styles?

Ultimately, I wonder about what this program would look like with further inquiry embedded into it. That means that less data is handed to students as they try to figure out which variables to change and how resulting in greater complexity of problems.

image: Eyespy by KayVee.INC released under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial – Share Alike license

Measuring “Good”

Math and science learning environments are prime arenas for introducing technology. With all the options available, it can be easy enough to initiate its use in one of these settings, but substantially more difficult to execute well. Ultimately, the effectiveness of educational technology, be it in whatever form, is determined by whose hands it’s in and whether they can unlock its potential.

When technology is used well, it assists in learner engagement and enriches the learning experience. It can enable teachers to diversify instruction and meet students where their current skills are at encouraging a greater chance of success. New possibilities emerge when technology is used to bridge classrooms around the world, thinning the confinements inherently created by the four walls that ordinarily surround students; however, an environment that thrives with technology does not necessarily abandon conventional methods, but recognizes that technological innovations can provide students with access to opportunities that may not otherwise be available, as well as alternate means of reaching students and providing options for how their learning can be demonstrated. Decisions to use technology need to be grounded in sound pedagogical theory that is put into praxis to inform and guide students in developing an understanding of how to use the technology beyond its entertainment potential. Done well, it can be a catalyst for student-led learning, an authentic application of concepts, and a medium for building collective knowledge through collaboration.

When technology is successfully implemented into math and science environments, it facilitates the momentum of learning to expedite process and extend student thinking; although, the use of technology, especially in elementary math classrooms, is largely dedicated to drill and practice activities and low-level thinking output. The potential for using technology to develop reasoning skills remains significantly untapped, and therein rests a vital challenge for educators. How can technology be intertwined with critical thinking and problem solving to create meaningful learning experiences that help students connect their learning with others and the world? How can it be used to reshape or deepen their understanding from both a concrete and metacognitive perspective?

image: A Blurry Sense of Magnitude by ZeRo`SKiLL released under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial – No Derivative Works license