Getting to Know Gooru

Searching for online math and science resources that exemplify knowledge representation and information visualization can be a time consuming process. There are a never-ending supply of examples to peruse and choose from, but surveying the quality of these options is left up to the individual exploring. Gooru aims to alleviate this arduous task for teachers by compiling resources that meet their standards of design and depth. This site houses significant potential. Gooru is essentially a collection of math and science resources at the grades 5-12 level, and in an effort to streamline the process for quality material, all content is evaluated by teachers or Gooru’s review team. Examples of resources include digital textbooks, animations, simulations, and videos – both teaching resources and study guides are available. All content is organized by curricular strands to help with locating relevant resources. Within its design is also the opportunity to connect with others (students, teachers and experts) through discussion forums intended to encourage the social nature of learning. As you use the site, it begins to adapt to your preferences and recommends resources that you might find beneficial. While it includes copious amounts of teaching resources, students may also use it independently to track their progress in understanding concepts.

“Gooru is developed by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to honor the human right to education and make high quality education free and accessible to the world’s one billion students by 2013”

It is currently considered to be in its alpha stage, but Gooru designers and developers have committed to maintaining its open-source form in perpetuity in an effort to develop a sustainable educational culture by providing high quality resources through world-wide collaboration between students and teachers. Their goal is to facilitate global access to knowledge.

This collection of online math and science resources has immense potential and deserves to be considered for what it can offer teachers, parents, and students. It’s commitment towards offering equitable access to educational material around the world is admirable and inspiring, and helps to break down the misconception, often perpetuated within the four walls of the traditional classroom, that learning has to be place and time-based ultimately restricting its accessibility and determined by the expert orchestrating it all.

Zooniverse: Citizen Scientists

The first Zooniverse project was unveiled by the Citizen Science Alliance in 2007, but has substantially grown since then. Their projects rely on the efforts of people around the world, including many different classrooms, to collect and organize data on a specific research question. This results in extensive information that scientists and researchers have used to further their investigations in the scientific community. Unique scientific discoveries have been attributed to individual and collective contributions demonstrating the authenticity of the scientific process embedded in the projects.

The Citizen Science Alliance represents many different academic and professional perspectives from education, astronomy, and technology fields. Together they are committed to developing educational experiences in Zooniverse that foster inquiry in science. Their objectives include:

  • Education Research
  • Content development and tools to facilitate its navigation so visitors can carry out their own investigations using their data
  • Expanding options for interactions with Zooniverse beyond personal computer, such as mobile devices and museums

Technology has become a valuable component of science research for their in collecting and analyzing data as well as modeling and sharing research results. As Edelson (2001) indicates, “any effort to engage students in authentic scientific practices should reflect this trend” with technology. Zooniverse is an excellent resource that can promote inquiry-based learning in the classroom while situating the learning experience in genuine research. Within each project, the research process is modeled authentically and students gain experience in a realistic setting that connects them with scientists who provide purpose in sharing how the data contributed will ultimately help answer the research question. Initiating students in the introductory activities are set to motivate students so the recognize the need for new knowledge before they proceed. Cognitive affordances are observed in activities involving both scientific content and process relating directly to the research topic. Project designs also facilitate students` perception of scientists in their fields of expertise. The topics investigated in Zooniverse are scientific phenomena that cannot easily be observed. Integration of photographs, video, and interactive simulations provide students with scaled models to help students’ conceptualization. Social affordances are rooted in opportunities to collaborate in detection groups asynchronously with global audience members within the same project as well as share their thoughts and queries in connected discussion forums. Students can keep track of what they have contributed and how they have networked with other individuals during their inquiry process by using the “My Zooniverse” feature.

Some of the projects have specific teacher resources attached to them to provide teachers with the necessary information and tools to support and extend students’ learning. Solar Stormwatch is one such activity, and while this additional resource is not available in all projects, Zooniverse is in the process of adding teacher resources to more projects as they realize the potential educational benefits inherent in their overall design. Opportunities abound for integrating the science content within this site into other academic areas including language arts, math, and social studies.



Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(3), 355-385.

Pellegrino, J.W. & Brophy, S. (2008). From cognitive theory to instructional practice: Technology and the evolution of anchored instruction. In Ifenthaler, Pirney-Dunner, & J.M. Spector (Eds.) Understanding models for learning and instruction, New York: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 277-303.


Implementing WISE

Throughout my exploration of WISE, I entertained thoughts about how it could be integrated into the classroom. The animations and simulations embedded within the projects definitely have the potential to the enrich learning environment for students, but its promise of helping educators “create sustainable classroom inquiry instruction across the varied contexts learning takes place” (Linn, M., Clark, D. & Slotta, J., 2003) was not substantive based on the activities I had the chance to explore; however, I’m not ruling out that I have yet to tap into existing projects whose pedagogy would in fact impress me. I believe WISE has the potential to motivate students and facilitate knowledge integration, but as a constructivist portal for inquiry-based instruction, this platform leaves too much room for educators to copy and revise projects without staying committed to the pedagogy that WISE developers set out to promote with its design. Discovering examples such as this has made me skeptic of its universal benefits in classrooms and its potential role in developing inquiry skills if educators are not guided and scaffolded themselves in learning how to create and refine inquiry-based pedagogy. As Edelson (2001) points out that “the constructivist theories of learning apply to teachers and designers as well … [so] if they are to learn to use it successfully, they must go through a learning process themselves.” The effectiveness of technology integration is always determined by the hands who wield it. If WISE had more influence on teachers’ professional development to better ensure it was used in accordance with robust inquiry principles, it could do more to reform science education.

As it stands, I think WISE is best integrated with other means of instruction with or without  additional technology, face to face interactions in classrooms or within a distributed learning context. From my observations, I question the strength of the Scaffolded Knowledge Integration framework tenet, “helping students learn from each other” within the WISE context. Facilitating social opportunities that promote collaboration, peer feedback, and perspective taking are noticeably minimal in the projects I perused – another reason to  integrate it within a larger body of instruction so students can take advantage of the social nature of learning. WISE, as I see it, should not be implemented by educators  as a stand-alone unit. It must be supplemented in the best interests of learning.

image: IMG_4950 by bionic released under a CC Attribuition – Noncommecial license


Linn, M. Clark, D. & Slotta, J. (2003). WISE design for Knowledge Integration. Science Education, 87(4), 517-538.

Nicaise, M., Gibney, T. & Crane, M. (2000). Toward an understanding of authentic learning: student perception of an authentic classroom. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 9(1), 79-94, doi: 10.1023/A:1009477008671


WISE Foundations vs Application of Inquiry

Although the motivation exists, building inquiry into the science classroom to better mirror realistic scientific discovery has been hampered by the need to reach a plethora of curriculum standards. The motivation behind the development of WISE is derived from the desire to remedy this. Linn, Clark & Sotta (2003) define inquiry as “engaging students in the intentional process of diagnosing problems, critiquing experiments, distinguishing alternatives, planning investigations, revising views, researching conjectures, searching for information, constructing models, debating with peers, communicating to diverse audiences, and forming coherent arguments” (Linn, Clark & Slotta, 2003). Through the use of a revised Scaffolded Knowledge Integration framework and its four main tenets (making thinking visible, making science accessible, helping students learn from each other, and promoting lifelong learning), this was a much needed shift towards inquiry-based learning positioning WISE as an innovator in the field of science education.

With these design principles in mind, my exploration of some of the projects within WISE has prompted more inquiry into how it might be used in a classroom, the thinking and understanding it encourages in students, and the overall instructional design as it applies to learning theory. The theory behind the design offers great potential for Vygotsky-inspired social constructivist activities in that the intent is to provide students with a model that promotes meaning making and the construction of knowledge along with learning with and from others, as well as teacher scaffolding that includes the introduction of necessary cognitive tools . A deeper analysis  of an independently chosen project – Photosynthesis 2012 – uncovered a number of issues I feel may become obstacles to WISE’s progress towards meeting social constructivist goals. Given the evolution of the possible online learning spaces, WISE appears very linear in nature (more like an LMS), fairly dependent on a text-based medium (i.e. understanding is demonstrated primarily through reading and writing activities similar to pieces of worksheets), and offers limited opportunities for collaborative and social learning. In reading the Quick Start Guide and the Teaching Tips available within the project overviews, it appears that one of the founding principles, “helping students learn from each other”, is primarily addressed within teacher-designed activities external to the WISE project. Teachers are encouraged to group students in pairs during the project process, structure discussion and discourse within the classroom, and integrate group/partner activities to meet the goal of socially constructed learning. WISE offers an asynchronous discussion forum that can be a powerful medium for sharing and reflecting on student perspectives, but it seems to fall short of embedding truly collaborative opportunities. In the case of the photosynthesis project that I selected to revise, not one asynchronous discussion activity had been included. Students seem to continue to be on the consuming end rather than the producing end and while the foundation for knowledge integration is present in WISE, what’s stopping a teacher from using it to perpetuate a transmission model of learning? Because it is possible to revise projects for this purpose as well. Online learning environments like WISE have incredible potential to redefine students’ classroom experiences, but they are only as effective as the individuals using and adapting them for their own pedagogical use. Developers envision  a more critical approach to science process and concepts being implemented using the WISE, but as the educational philosopher Paulo Freire pointed out “computers were not technologically determined to compel students to use them in a critically conscious manner”  (Papert in Kahn & Kellner, 2007), so how well WISE helps students develop inquiry skills is dependent on the individual designing it and the individual wielding it. Likewise, Ivan Illich’s cautionary advice  that “technologies like computers could either advance or distort pedagogy, depending on how they were fit into a well-balanced ecology of learning” (Kahn & Kellner, 2007) is an integral component of WISE’s future success in bringing a greater degree of inquiry into the science classroom.

Using the Authoring Tool, I explored the inner framework of the Photosynthesis 2012 project after saving a copy of it so I could edit and revise it as my own. My version has been renamed Exploring Photosynthesis. As I investigated the three activities that each included multiple steps, I made improvements to ambiguous language and sentence structure. I also altered the html code to add more text features, like bolded and italicized words as well as bulleted lists to separate ideas. I was also able to locate the code for the hover text for glossary words so I added it into the first page where it suggested students explore an example of it, but no example was to be found. I felt it was necessary to embed a short video in Step 1.6 as this form of media had not been previously included within other steps, yet it stands to enrich the options for presenting critical information to students. I was surprised to find that video wasn’t used more often, although there are far more projects within the WISE pool than I had time to explore. I was heartened to discover an audio tool within the Extras of the Authoring Tool, but I was disheartened to find that I was unable to access it to see what it offers. When considering diversified instruction, balancing the text with audio components would meet more students needs and potentially minimize the barrier of language that can impede conceptualization for some students. I also found that some steps lacked sufficient information for students without considerable background knowledge (even if the intent was to cover some concepts during class) to proceed and be motivated to innately inquire further. I was happy to see that the steps involving MySystem technology offered students opportunities to revise and apply feedback as well as potentially share their understanding with others if this is enabled. I intend to investigate this option further to get a better grasp of its benefits. With this particular project, I found instructional strategies frequently utilized that seemed to focus on recall, which could be improved on while still maintaining the scaffolding principle that is an integral component of WISE. Effort had been made to scaffold the acquisition of content; however, the development of inquiry skills, which was the underlying goal of this environment, was not adequately supported in a manner that provides students with opportunities to “improve their art and technique of inquiry” (Nicaise, Gibney, & Crane, 2000) through repeated and explicit practice. There are opportunities to use inquiry skills within the steps, but  without initial steps that help students hone inquiry skills and deepen their motivation to inquire more. While I haven’t added the extra step yet, I feel it’s important to ask students about what questions they need to ask and be able to answer if the intention is to discover the best method of growing energy-rich plants. Knowing how to formulate “good” questions is a critical skill in the inquiry process. I also found it interesting that the initial inquiry question had minimal impact at the conclusion of the project. Emphasis was not placed on presenting their understanding to peers or the teacher regarding how they can help Mary. My subsequent investigations and revisions will hopefully ascertain whether this is a grievous oversight or an inadequate inquiry question that can be revised and strengthened to promote greater learning. Time will also tell if these first impressions are substantiated by my future investigations into alternate projects or if the developers of WISE are steadfast in their desire to continue revising and collecting data on the effectiveness of this learning environment in the pursuit of meaningful inquiry-based pedagogy.

image: Why by Tintin44 – Sylvain Masson released under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial – No Derivatives Works license



Kahn, R. & Kellner, D. (2007). Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich: technology, politics and the reconstruction of education. Policy Futures in Education, 5(4), 431-448. doi:10.2304/pfie.2007.5.4.431

Linn, M. Clark, D. & Slotta, J. (2003). WISE design for Knowledge Integration. Science Education, 87(4), 517-538.

Nicaise, M., Gibney, T. & Crane, M. (2000). Toward an understanding of authentic learning: student perception of an authentic classroom. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 9(1), 79-94, doi: 10.1023/A:1009477008671

What Do Butterflies Have in Common With Slowmation?

After watching the video case highlighting pre-service teachers undertaking the process of slowmation (Learner Environment 7) as a strategy to engage learners and increase depth of understanding, I was struck by one comment in particular. When asked if she could envision using slowmation with younger students, one CITE student stated she probably would not as it was a time consuming process. This was pretty disappointing to here, but at the same time I’m sure she is not alone in that mindset.

Teachers have curricular expectations to uphold, outcomes to assess, but I am wary of putting time limits on a learning process that could be a valuable experience for students. When students become creators and teachers, they need to execute higher order thinking skills. Slowmation would provide them with opportunities to “make what they learn part of themselves” (Chickering & Gamson, 1987) increasing comprehension, retention, and connections to their learning. To dismiss this opportunity because it appears to be a lengthy process without considering options for implementation is a slippery slope. Given that the video was a small clip of the pre-service teachers’ learning experience, I hope the course instructor or other peers offered practical solutions to counter the concerns of others.

My initial thoughts on slowmation were quite the opposite. My immediate reaction to learning about it was: how can I make this happen in my class? It will require substantial time to complete, but if students are engaged in their learning I don’t mind providing the time. Plus, a project like this creates several different scenarios for integrating cross-curricular outcomes. Backmapping outcomes on a such a project also maximizes the assessment potential as emergent and inquiry-based learning often creates it’s own path towards a final representation of knowledge. Taking the time to consider the depth of learning demonstrated even if it has veered in any way off an intended path is vital to the process. Another way slowmation can be implemented successfully in a classroom is to use it as a jigsaw strategy making sure that each group of students works on a different component that the other groups can learn from in the end. Each group becomes an expert on one aspect sharing their understanding with the remaining students.

My students are also currently in Grade 7 and another aspect of the pre-service teacher’s  hesitation to implement technology like slowmation was the idea that it wasn’t viable with younger children. It brought to mind a video project my class worked on 2 years ago with their little buddies in kindergarten. The kindergarten students had just finished a unit on the butterfly life cycle. To reinforce their understanding, the little buddies taught the big buddies what they knew about the process. My Grade 6 & 7 students had access to books on the life cycle to help correct any misconceptions and to help their own understanding as not all of them knew the life cycle well either. From here, the buddies created a short narrative together that described the metamorphosis. Little buddies led the process and big buddies typed making sure certain vocabulary was included in the writing. On their next visit, my students helped their buddies record their narratives in Audacity, which was a great experience in learning what to expect from students in kindergarten. The big buddies found they need to record sentence by sentence as reading skills were not well developed yet and they couldn’t hold the entire story in memory. On their own later, my class edited the recording to piece it together as one story.

As a next step, the kindergarten teacher had her students draw and colour the four main stages in the life cycle, while my students looked at the stories and created any supplemental details needed. When the kindergarten drawings were complete, my students followed through with creating the video with help from each other. They were familiar with the process because they had created their own videos on figurative language months before. It was a great process to undertake as the kindergarten teacher was eager to find ways to bring more technology into her class and others around us were skeptical of the project based on the perceived abilities of 5 year olds and the fact that there were students in that class who received significant support. Every kindergarten student ended up creating one. I’ve embedded a couple of these videos to offer a counter argument to the pre-service teacher’s claim that using slowmation with younger students wouldn’t be worth it. The process for completing the two types of videos would be very similar.

Genie III – wall&clock
by Cathérine released under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial – Share Alike license
“HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!” by MrClean1982 released under a CC Attribution – Noncommercial license