Task 03: Voice to Text

For this voice-to-text experiment I used Speechnotes to record a slowly delivered reflection about network effects, or the human affects of peer endorsements in professional development, used in theory to help connect knowledge workers to new gigs in a post-covid world after their livelihoods were lost due to process automation. This topic has a growing life of its own, and working in the higher education courseware space I tend to think a lot about what it means to represent something with veracity. Are you reliable, are your endorsements valuable, are your skills verifiable, does an experiential learning module represent authentic learning? I attempt to describe the current state of things from my perspective and ask questions as if in a conversation, and what is immediately clear from the voice-to-text paragraph below is that verbal imprecision leads to lost meaning as early as the beginning, in line one.

First, the artifact:

This brief reflection began as a two-part 1 professional one academic about Network effects in the knowledge economy and was intended to be a podcast sinking in their capacity decision making brain power creating a podcast about this would have been professionally inauthentic content for this prolific email or digital workload to Mentor so let’s frame the problem simply in text we are not actively contributing to the knowledge economy by ranking rating creating sharing and Co validating the skills and experiences of colleagues instead of merely considering the product we are out of the future employee ability games and more likely to be subsumed and dissolved by process what worries me about this is I’m not yet sure on which side of the date on most comfortable I trust my colleagues who Windows me do not accept reviews from people that I have not worked with and do not fully understand which and why I appear in some that are less relevant pure effects of term commonly acacian literature refers to external social interaction effects that affect affect our behaviours and possible outcomes I wonder whether the professional networking sites have truly transformative power 2021 marks my Thirteenth Year working in e-learning with higher education group in Canada cover learning strategy learning technology and delivery crop cross-functional leadership Innovation and design thinking and there are a handful of skills in my workplace I said on an innovation team to foster a culture of innovation march 10th I attended business strategy strategyzer demystifying Innovation theatre the point of the webinar was to help readers understand Innovation Innovation management from the sea levels through the come through a company exploring the point of the webinar with help readers understand Innovation management from the sea level throughout the company practices Associated tweet about it and there is no digital certificate for participation in profile while I discuss the importance to be avoided with my local Innovation team that would help guide the conversation using Post-it notes breaking something with value I did not receive any sort of digital artifact or pure Bell my contribution to the company’s organizational experience knowledge gained or shared results into my access to Future opportunities within my company and Beyond according to LinkedIn learning 5th annual workplace learning report resilience digital fluency number one and number two most important skills qualifying the value of learning or resilience is not exactly straightforward open is this This activity obscure perceived value indicates that someone has belly to contribution or even better has actually witnessed some effort in the back it with their own credibility the power in The credibility to help build value in what part of those. Multiplier rule order by their experiences should give yours a boost machine learning algorithms work the same way they’re not just making choices for you and your social networks in the sympathetic credible many jobs can be automated in those in transition may require human relatability what will be the recommend headlines from your network appears or will this be left in metadata scrapers that check validation scripts and digital badges 2 years before the outbreak of covid-19 current and future knowledge workers home from University and workplaces to Lloyd’s feature work-study how tomorrow’s job Seekers would increasingly need to find others who helped them get better faster small working groups organizations and broader and more diverse what is the process has not found it slower and Reviving would that be better evidence of this shift to control substance and peer Network verifiability on a smaller and focussed and Innovative easy company that currently Fosters a closed community a certified dentist tool share. Using the power of local and Global professional networks and platform analytics to help individuals construct a professional reputation Gather continuing education credentials and benefits from industry-specific professional networking that can be relayed to certification bodies that seems like a worthwhile voices across Industries with upscaling and automation change the focus of the community covid related expansion of Online skills develop and employment will continue in the post covid-19 linkedIn learning report mentioned above clearly outlines examples from large well-funded come place value on Learning and Development the state of the job seeking industry relies not only on individual resilience and adaptability but also on the building. Active networks of digitally archived experience has the potential impact factor for opportunities is clear a mentoring connector database an active online community online community has developed credit for the value that they are currently this could become the norm is the bar value when there’s no permanent and where individual values temporary is it another challenge that requires opening mobile tech an interesting facet flexibility in mermaid for companies presented as a perfect day workers value with options for working hours to be mindful of what’s present in the non knowledge labour market by comparison schedules and payment like working for Fedora of working hours at design and control policy Dora app

On the turning away:

What was returned to me in text form was inauthentic authorship. Neither the ideas intended to be conveyed nor the voice are distinctly mine. I tried to speak slowly and clearly with rising intonation for questions and pauses between sentences, and yet Hass’ leading question becomes relevant faster than I anticipated, “What is the nature of computer technologies, and what is their impact on writing?” (2013, p. 3). In this case, perhaps due to mumbling on my part, there are words missing or misplaced in nearly every sentence. I was deliberately careful to time pauses in a manner to indicate pause versus stop, but punctuation was not captured. Another technology editor would be needed to clean up this text block, perhaps something using IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding.

This sample could reasonably be considered the written word of an inebriated person writing about their professional context. That is not the case, though the result is similar. How does the application select capital letters for some nouns and verbs and not others. How, even with emphasis, does the software not capture ends of sentences and add the period consistently? There are at least three ideas that would be formed into distinct paragraphs, and this text conversion loosely elongates one idea into one long paragraph with poor, run-on sentence structure and fewer conjunctions to join clauses.

There are obvious lacunae in the text where some form of emendation is needed to complete an idea or sentence. Correcting punctuation alone would not repair lost the meaning. Ways of knowing are clearly impeded with this technology. Some words are missing, parts of sentences are missing, and some words have been recorded as others. For example, “digital workload to Mentor” is “digital workflow manager”. It is not all bad. With some simple editing, some repairs could fix this text to create something meaningful. Spelling is correct for the most part, and including Canadian spelling.

In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling? Oral storytelling is more likely to contain mnemonic devices like formulaic phraseology, standardized epithets, and metre to help the orator recite the message multiple times. Gnanadesikan (p. 2) reminds us that in oral traditions, information only exists if someone can remember it. I like Foley’s comparatist papers on oral epic poetry in South Slavic cultures and Homeric epic. His brief 2005 article hints at his lifelong argument that “Oral traditions work like language, only more so, …. In order to escape a mechanistic conception of oral traditional language, we must inquire into the idiomatic implications of the registers involved. Beyond philological description, in other words, lies traditional referentiality …. that we need to become aware of its entire spectrum rather than attempting a false, unrealistic reduction to some primal concept that field research does not support.” There’s a lot to unpack there, but this voice to text exercise by poor analogy could show a representation of an undefined idiom that we are simply not aware of. It may not be as simple as breaking down the text mechanically, though I would be surprised if there were any more going on here than mumbling, poor mic quality, and a rudimentary application trying it’s level best. I reread a couple of lines back in the manner that I intended them. There was no significant difference in the quality of the revised text, and no improvement at all in securing the meaning.


Foley, J.M. (2005). South Slavic Oral Epic and the Homeric Question. Acta poét vol.26 no.1-2 México abr./nov. 2005. Retrieved from http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0185-30822005000100004

Gnanadesikan, A. E. (2009).The first IT revolution. In The writing revolution: Cuneiform to the internet (Vol. 25, pp.1-12). John Wiley & Sons.

Haas, C. (2013). “The Technology Question.” In Writing technology: Studies on the materiality of literacy. Routledge. (pp. 3-23).

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