Linking with Angela Beckett

Hi Angela!

First off, nice to see you in another course together!

Secondly, this experience sounded so magical! I have heard of parties such as these and that’s incredible that you were able to attend! I completely understand what you meant by “it reads more like an emotionless list of statements rather than what its authentic telling would have conveyed.” I had a similar experience when completing this task. In the attempt to accurately “tell” the software a story, the over-enunciating and slow speech made it feel much more stiff.

As you described your first half being more accurate; I also got that sense. In the beginning of your transcript, I was able to “feel” your excitement and the fantastical sense of attending this party. Perhaps this is due to your retelling of this story; maybe you often start out telling the story in certain way that the your excitement always translates – even across computer software!

Do you think if you spoke a little more freely, and did not worry about the software translating your speech accurately, you would garner similar results in your transcript? I was thinking about you using Siri in your car to text. I use the same feature and I sometimes dictate the punctuation to get my point across. Did you use this, or consider using this, for the task? (I did not; even though I also use Siri to dictate text, but it did not occur to me to try it for this task ????)


I chose Angela’s post to link with, similar to my first reflection, mostly because I know her! We recently worked together in the summer for another MET course and it was nice to see a familiar name!

In reading Angela’s transcript, I was surprised how much I was able to understand and takeaway from her voice-t0-text task. I nearly forgot I was reading a transcribed text! Perhaps this was Angela’s conscious effort to enunciate and speak slowly that her text did not seem to be filled with several “mistakes”. As I mentioned to in my reply, perhaps her retellings of this magical night has allowed her to have her own “script” for how she tells it; that even I could feel the excitement – someone who has never been to the party. I had a similar experience of being able to easily tell a story because of its familiarity and having a certain way of telling it.

This also make me wonder how much of our language and speech can be translated to strangers and/or people who speak a different language. How much can we convey about ourselves and our experiences to a total stranger ,without them knowing anything about us? How much can we say to a person who speaks a completely different language, even when using a translator or a translation app? Could they decipher our words and feelings with just expressions alone?

However, like I mentioned in my task reflection and in my response to Angela, as people who have both used Siri to dictate a text while driving, could we use punctuation to accurately get our point across? Would this work across languages? If we use punctuation as our “emotions”, would our emotions translate when our words cannot?

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