Task 12: Speculative Futures


My dystopian world was inspired by our Chapter 5 reading from Dunne and Raby (2013, p. 73) when the author describes a dystopian future as a  “cautionary tale of what lies ahead if we are not careful”. I considered what scares most people, and that is their invasion of privacy and reflected on what would happen if we do not regulate privacy invasion.

My Utopian world was inspired by Dunne and Raby (2013) when they described a Utopian world as peaceful and harmonious. I wanted my world to represent a similar feeling. Although, most aspects I included appear desirable and are often fantasies of individuals, i.e. no school, living longer, wanting to be lazier etc., when it is observable in my narrative, it will make people wary of this type of future as well.

Please view my Speculative Futures narratives here:

Watch my Powtoon: ETE540 Task 12


Dunne, A. & Raby, F. (2013). Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. Cambridge: The MIT Press. Retrieved August 30, 2019, from Project MUSE database.