Upon analyzing the data generated from the Golden Record Curation Quiz, I noticed there were various communities within our class. I am part of community 2, which has 6 participants within the multiplex network. There are 49 nodes, and 219 edges (which represent the connections).  My degree of connectivity is 10. The tracks that have a low degree are Pygmy girls and Men’s house. Track 14, Melancholy has a high degree of 14.

Each community contained between 5-6 participants. Within this community, I am linked to others based on 8 songs. The two songs that do not link me to this community are track 2 (Kinds of Flowers) and track 25 (Jaat Kahan Ho).

Reflecting upon what the data means, the reasons explaining why we are connected is not revealed upon data analysis.  The data shows that we are interconnected. This graph reminds me of a science concept of food webs, which shows how various animals are connected to each other through their diet. For example, a Grizzly bear eats chipmunks and berries.  A red-tailed hawk also eats chipmunks. You can see the example of a food web below. Similarly, in the network assignment, you can follow the edges to understand how our class is connected to each other. It also reminds me of the notion of the circle of life, which explains how we are all connected.

If you look at the data from all the communities at the same time, it is more difficult to see which songs connect me to others. It looks like one giant, intricated web as there are many connections. Choosing one community helped me better understand which tracks connected me to others. A school is broken into various groups, based on age as well as subjects. Usually, within a classroom, we have students working in various groups. This network reminds me of how this notion can be applied within a class or society based upon the learning theory called connectivism.  

Companies, for instance, Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, Google, Facebook, and Amazon can use data to provide individuals with the “right” type of recommendations or information.

The program Palladio does not have categories that differentiate the different types of songs into various categories. Nodes within the network were only based upon the curator, and the song title. As the songs differ based on language, instruments, country of origin, and year, these various categories can affect one’s choice. As I chose songs that were mainly instrumental, and one based on my culture, this is not evident from viewing the network.