Hi everyone!

My name is Anu Thale.

Who Am I? This question becomes difficult to answer as your identity is comprised of many variables that are interwoven. Your choices, values, and perception of how you fit into society are part of your identity. Your identity is fluid and changes based on social interactions. My education, experiences, work, family and friends have shaped my identity. I will share some information on some of these elements below.

I currently teach secondary science and math at Magee Secondary. I completed my undergraduate degree and teaching program at SFU.

In the classroom, I am currently using technology to a greater extent than in previous school years due to the pandemic, where technology is the core of the hybrid model in the school system. My aspiration is to better facilitate student learning by incorporating the use of technology in my blended classroom more effectively and to make learning more engaging when they are online.

I have two daughters and my hobbies include going for walks, traveling, and baking with them. I have been vegan for the last year and have always been vegetarian. During the past year, I have enjoyed trying new vegan restaurants and recipes.

My challenge in completing this course will be balancing my time between work, coursework, and my family. Additionally, being a learner as I completed my undergraduate degree 10 years ago.