Speculative Narrative 1: What are Smartphones?

Setting: Los Angeles, 2051

We’re in LA and it’s 2051. Our relationship with technology has changed. Going from social media addictions, to no social media at all. Smartphones have become the “Facebook” of this generation, only parents use it. Youth and teenagers look at their parents with disgust while they have their heads in their smartphone devices. Parents are constantly watching short video clips and “liking” pictures. Jag, a 17 year old boy, wonders what is so amazing about these devices that take them away from reality?! While his parents and grandparents keep themselves busy on their “smartphones”, Jag and his sister venture out on the streets, without smartphones, but their virtual assistant is with them, as always. 

The virtual assistant is invisible to the naked eye, but it goes with you everywhere and completes all unnecessary tasks for you and everything is touch friendly. Looking to meet your friends at a cafe? Google Maps is designed directly into the streets, all the user needs to do is inform their virtual assistant where they want to go and the maps will automatically put them on the fastest route there, with the directions visible directly on the street. All vehicles are smart cars, so you don’t need to worry about Uber rides or designated drivers, your car will take care of you. 

If you would like to speak with a friend, all Jag has to do is ask his virtual assistant to connect him to them, and if they are available, then their virtual assistant will accept his call. This is especially helpful when users are in a yoga class or another meeting because they do not get interrupted for anything of a lesser degree of importance. Yes, all actions and tasks are rated, with physical activity and mental health activities at the top of the list. The virtual assistants continue to design stronger and healthier communities by encouraging their users to stay connected to loved ones and away from harm. The virtual assistants can even avoid informing their users of certain incoming calls, like ex girlfriends, for example. Jag will never have to accept or see a call he doesn’t want. What a time to be alive.

Speculative Narrative 2: Digital Natives 

Setting: Vancouver, 2040

Myra is a grade 10 student, and has never been inside a classroom. Myra, like other children, was born a digital genius and does not require adult supervision when learning. Myra taught herself everything from reading and writing to how to paint. She has never had a teacher, the most help she has received is from her virtual assistant, and needs help navigating out of a dark pattern, for example. The concept of conversing with other humans for the sole purpose of learning is foreign to Myra. She already knows everything and is always open to debate personal opinions, but there’s not much someone can teach her because she has already processed all the information available on the topic. Her grandparents often tell her stories about how they had to read physical books. This always leaves Myra in disbelief, why would humans chop down trees and create chemicals to write with via hand if everything could have just been digital! They didn’t know any better, her grandparents would explain. They didn’t know it was possible to have a complete digital world. To her grandparents, this world is foreign and traces of the previous world are almost extinct. In this world, there are trees as tall as mountains, hotels on Mars, and an endless supply of whole foods. The digital humans have finally created a safe and sustainable planet, free of pollutants and radicals. All humans are trained to be ethical, therefore, any decision made is done for the greater good because all humans are altruistic. There is little room for harm and ample room for growth.