Task 10 – Attention Economy

For this task I attempted to complete it twice. In the first attempt when the pop-up screen came up I didn’t know how to get rid of it. Eventually when during my second attempt I managed to get rid of it by clicking a bunch of things and eventually was able to complete the game.

Reflecting on this game I noticed that the creators attempted to design the features as tedious as possible to demonstrate the importance of having an effective UI design. Every UI has a specific purpose behind their design, but what makes a good and effective design is how the creator builds it. One of the most frustrating part of the game was having to manually remove the placeholder words when asked to fill in our personal information like name, email address, and age. While having these placeholder words are important for the user to know what type of information they need to input, it is more effective if the words automatically disappears when the user clicks on the box. Another frustrating design was the continuous pop-up timer screen. Like I said I attempted the game twice, in my first attempt I didn’t know how to get rid of the pop up timer and assumed I took too long to complete the tasks so I decided to do a second attempt. I received the same pop-up screen despite filling out the sections much faster the second time around so I figured there had to be some way of getting rid of it. Eventually after clicking a bunch of places I got rid of the timer, however it would still pop-up from time to time. I wasn’t sure what the true purpose of the having a pop-up timer was, if anything the UI design made it super ineffective for the user.

I am sure through my personal experiences that I have fallen into many of the dark patterns businesses have used for profit. Brignull’s (2011) article post mentions third party travel websites incorporating many ‘hidden’ fees. Speaking from a recent experience, my friends have almost fell into this type of dark pattern. A few years ago I was told when booking hotels or resorts to never use third party sites such as Booking.com and instead book directly through the hotel or resort website as those companies are more likely to avoid any reservation issues and at times may upgrade rooms if you are lucky. A few weeks ago my friends and I were planning a trip and were looking at resort reservations. I noticed that they were using Booking.com so I suggested using the resort website instead. It turns out that booking on the resort website itself saved us $200. What was interesting about comparing the two sites is that Booking.com originally offered a cheaper price so it seemed like they had a better deal, but they had many hidden fees found at the checkout. Of course as a business the best strategy is to include these extra fees at the checkout because it means that the customer has already made their decision with their booking (or commodity in general) and are more likely to spend the extra dollars to get the product. As consumers we don’t truly realize or pay attention to the marketing techniques businesses use until we actively search for them.



Brignull, H. (2011). Dark Patterns: Deception vs. Honesty in UI Design. Interaction Design, Usability338

Task 9 – Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Data

This was my first time learning and using the Palladio.app, I found it super cool how the application displays a great visualization of the various song choices my classmates and myself have chosen. What I find especially interesting about music culture is that everyone has a very unique and personal music taste. I would even describe is as intimate because often times I find myself self-conscious when asked about what songs or music genre I like and listen to. Sometimes I’m hesitant to answer immediately in fear of being judged by my music taste because the kinds of music we enjoy can tell a lot about one’s personality.

Looking at the overall map without any filters,  I first looked for my name to see where my song choices lie among my classmates. While I was not particularly placed in the middle, I could see that there still many nodes connecting to each other. It was a while since I first listened to these songs so I decided to listen to the songs again, particularly Track 4 as it lied at the very outer edge of the map and Track 12 as it was situated right in the middle of the map. When listening to Track 4 I noticed it was an aggressive and outgoing opera song, whereas Track 12 on the other hand sounded more relaxing and I immediately vibed to it. I could see many individuals listening to Track 12 in various situations; commuting, doing some chores, working, or studying. Because Track 4 has a much stronger vibe, personally I would only listen to it in very specific situations as I would find it more distracting than not especially if I was studying or completing an important task. I would opt to listen to Track 12 instead so I can see why it was a popular choice among myself and my classmates.

Next I decided to filtered my search to look at Community 1 map and observe my song choices with a smaller group of classmates. I noticed here that almost all of the tracks I choose lied within this community. I also observed that Winnifer, Jennifer, and I had many nodes connecting to each other and to these tracks, I interpreted it as of all our classmates, we had the most similar song selections. I compared community 1 to the other 3 communities and noticed that our community was particularly smaller than community 3 and 4 as they had much more nodes and facets. Looking back at my initial goal in Task 8 when choosing these 10 tracks, I specifically chose the ones that were upbeat to give the feeling of exhilaration and excitement when discovering new technologies. I like to think that Winnifer and Jennifer had a similar idea and/or music taste when they chose their 10 tracks.

Task 8 – Golden Record Curation

My 10 song choices of the Golden Record:

Track 2: Azerbaijan S.S.R., bagpipes, recorded by Radio Moscow

Track 3: Bach, The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2, Prelude and Fugue in C, No.1. Glenn Gould, piano

Track 10: Stravinsky, Rite of Spring, Sacrificial Dance, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky, conductor

Track 12: “Melancholy Blues,” performed by Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven

Track 13: “Johnny B. Goode,” written and performed by Chuck Berry.

Track 14: India, raga, “Jaat Kahan Ho,” sung by Surshri Kesar Bai Kerkar

Track 15: Bulgaria, “Izlel je Delyo Hagdutin,” sung by Valya Balkanska.

Track 22: Java, court gamelan, “Kinds of Flowers,” recorded by Robert Brown

Track 23: Senegal, percussion, recorded by Charles Duvelle

Track 24: Beethoven, Fifth Symphony, First Movement, the Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer, conductor


The theme that I chose for this assignment was “Exploring and Adventure”. When I think of digitizing I think of humans having the ability to explore and connect with individuals around the world. Through our technological advancement humans can share their ideologies and thoughts to everyone regardless of where they are geographically located. We are able to adventure out to discover new phenomena and purposes. The 10 songs I chose are more upbeat and livelier of the 27 songs, to represent the feeling of exhilaration and eagerness to explore new technology and wonders.

Linking Assignment Site 3

Linking to my classmate Jade’s post: Task 7 – Mode-bending.

What's in My Bag?
Photo Credit: Image taken from Jade’s blog post.

Jade’s take on the Mode-bending task was super intuitive for me as I really appreciate her re-design of Task 1. While many of our classmates took on a podcast type of route for this assignment, she created a digital book. The content of the book consists of the items she carries in her bag along with the purpose of why she brings those specific items. Further her book was very interactive as it also included many multimedia features for users to explore with (from a small activity to a video).

Jade used Book Creator to create her assignment while I used Powtoon to create mine. What differs from my assignment is the type of literacies we chose to represent in our re-designed assignment. Jade’s digital book presents reading and writing literacies as it requires her audience to read the content in the book and be able to understand it in order to complete the activity. My video contains media literacy as it presents itself as an “advertisement” and requires my audience to understand the message I attempt to convey. Another tool that I appreciate Jade including in her digital book is the interactive activity which is a great way to facilitate learning. Thinking back to a time during COVID-19 where all learning and teaching was conducted online, many books were unattainable if they were not available online. This digital book is a great alternative for educators who are still working online or within a hybrid environment. It adds a third dimension to books (from text to audio to video) which gives creators endless ideas depending on what Educational field they are surrounded in.

Linking Assignment Site 2

Linking to my classmate Winnie’s post: Task 5 – Twine: Personality Test

Image Credit: Screenshot taken from Winnie’s blog post.

I found Winnie’s take on the Twine Task to be particularly interesting because she choose to create a personality test rather than a game or story. The personality test consists of 4 questions and each question provides 3 options to choose from. Based on your answers the system will produce a response about your personality. She mentioned that this personality test was specifically catered to her students as a way to check in with their mental health.

What I love about Winnie’s Twine is that each page she created gave the user a choice. That was a challenge I encountered when creating my Twine as I took on a story based route, and often times I struggled with creating choices for my audience to choose from.  As mentioned Winnie’s purpose in creating this personality test is a way for students to share their mental health state without feeling pressured or invaded. One literacy that her Twine presents and mine does not have is cultural literacy. Not through a specific cultural but through communication and behaviour. Having the correct tools to effectively communicate with our students is what allows students to feel safe and comfortable sharing within their classrooms.

Linking Assignment Site 1

Linking to my classmate Jacey’s post: Task 1 – What’s in my bag.

Photo Credit: Image taken from Jacey’s blog post.

I found the items in Jacey’s bag to be very similar to my bag. For one we carry many toiletries with me including Advil, chapstick, hair ties and clips, as well as masks. We both used the UBC WordPress site to display our tasks for this course. I really appreciate how Jacey went into specific detail of each of the items she carries in her bag and why she carries them. Items such as Science lab supplies and Naloxone kit are not are commonly found when comparing to our other classmates’ bags, but they play an important role in Jacey’s everyday life.

Based on our experiences, what differs between Jacey and I is where we grew up and the type of individuals we interact with. For Jacey, she grew up in Saskatchewan and carries a tick-removing tool with her as her geographical area is more prone to ticks compared to where I live. Here in Vancouver, B.C. I am much more likely to carry and use an umbrella rather than a tick-removing kit. Second, Jacey works with an older age group and carries a special kind of First Aid kit (Naloxone kit) which is specific for students who uses substances. This demonstrates that even though we are both educators we work in a very different sub-field as the students I work with are generally younger and are not involved with substances (at least not to an extreme level).

Task 7 – Mode-bending

Link to my Powtoon can be found here.


For this week’s assignment I decided to something out of my comfort zone and create a video advertisement of the items I have in my bag from Task 1. I redesigned my assignment so that my purpose transformed from a “show-and-tell” task to a “selling” task. I used Powtoon to create an animated advertisement video and Descript to create the voice-over. It was my first time using both applications so this was evidently not the best looking video. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun learning and playing around with the features and I hope to use more often in future assignments or projects!

Based on the ideas from The New London Group, they state that modes of meaning can be presented in various ways, such as audio, gestural, spatial, and multimodal (The New London Group, 1996). I chose to create an advertisement because their goal is to send a message to their audience using various literacies. The visual aspect provides individuals images and texts of what their product looks like, while the audio provides the language and together they form a learning relationship for their audience.



The New London Group.  (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures.  Harvard Educational Review 66(1), 60-92.

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