Task 9 – Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Data

This was my first time learning and using the Palladio.app, I found it super cool how the application displays a great visualization of the various song choices my classmates and myself have chosen. What I find especially interesting about music culture is that everyone has a very unique and personal music taste. I would even describe is as intimate because often times I find myself self-conscious when asked about what songs or music genre I like and listen to. Sometimes I’m hesitant to answer immediately in fear of being judged by my music taste because the kinds of music we enjoy can tell a lot about one’s personality.

Looking at the overall map without any filters,  I first looked for my name to see where my song choices lie among my classmates. While I was not particularly placed in the middle, I could see that there still many nodes connecting to each other. It was a while since I first listened to these songs so I decided to listen to the songs again, particularly Track 4 as it lied at the very outer edge of the map and Track 12 as it was situated right in the middle of the map. When listening to Track 4 I noticed it was an aggressive and outgoing opera song, whereas Track 12 on the other hand sounded more relaxing and I immediately vibed to it. I could see many individuals listening to Track 12 in various situations; commuting, doing some chores, working, or studying. Because Track 4 has a much stronger vibe, personally I would only listen to it in very specific situations as I would find it more distracting than not especially if I was studying or completing an important task. I would opt to listen to Track 12 instead so I can see why it was a popular choice among myself and my classmates.

Next I decided to filtered my search to look at Community 1 map and observe my song choices with a smaller group of classmates. I noticed here that almost all of the tracks I choose lied within this community. I also observed that Winnifer, Jennifer, and I had many nodes connecting to each other and to these tracks, I interpreted it as of all our classmates, we had the most similar song selections. I compared community 1 to the other 3 communities and noticed that our community was particularly smaller than community 3 and 4 as they had much more nodes and facets. Looking back at my initial goal in Task 8 when choosing these 10 tracks, I specifically chose the ones that were upbeat to give the feeling of exhilaration and excitement when discovering new technologies. I like to think that Winnifer and Jennifer had a similar idea and/or music taste when they chose their 10 tracks.

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