Linking Assignment Reflection and Summary

The posts to all 6 of my links can be found on this page below. Overall it was super engaging reading through my classmates’ tasks and exploring their take on the tasks. I appreciate how each task gave us freedom to present our post how we like it. For example in the Mode-bending task it was so lovely to see the different forms of media my classmates used to revamp their original “what’s in my bag” task. When approaching this assignment I took the time to look through my classmates’ posts and participated in the activities where possible (e.g., playing a game, figuring out the emoji story, read through a digital book, going back to listen to the songs to see what songs my classmates chose). I took into consideration of the reflection questions situated in our linking assignment criteria and answered them where applicable, but I have also shared my thoughts on the posts; what stood out to me, how they are similar to my posts, and how they differ.

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