Linking Assignment Site 4

Linking to my classmate Alan’s post: Task 8 – Golden Record Curation.

Photo Credit: Screenshot taken from Alan’s blog post.

I appreciate that Alan’s selection of his 10 songs followed a set of criterion; if the song was instrumental, vocal, or culturally diverse. He also included the song purpose; if it describes a human or Earth type of story.

Some of the similarities that both our posts contains is we both first listened to all the songs and and then narrowed down our selections to only 10 songs. Since there were so many beautiful songs to choose from it was difficult to immediately narrow down my song selection to 10. I first listened and chose a set of songs, then went back and re-listened to them and chose the ones that fit best with the theme I had which was songs that expressed exploration and nature vibes. Where Alan and my posts differ is Alan took it another step forward by categorizing the different song types. His post provided a type of culture literacy that allows individuals who visit this site and presented with a type of playlist. Here are a set of songs if you preferred to listen to instrumental. For those who want to listen to cultural or vocal type songs there are separate playlists for that as well. On top of these playlists Alan included a description of each of his 10 songs which is a type of content-authoring that he presents in his post and mine does not. I appreciate that the description allows users to read through the songs and figure out the type of song without having to listen to all of them.

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