Task 12: Speculative Futures

Task: create two speculative narratives about our potential relationship with media, education, text and technology in the next 30 years. These narratives may be created in any media available (linguistic text, images, animations, audio, video, multi-modal, etc,)

Speculative Narrative #1

In the year 2050, officials from the United Nations made the decision that to better connect the entire globe that all nations of the world would now use one global language.  Similar to the original thinking of the use of Latin, UN Officials believed that this global language would help integrate vast regions of the globe under one dialect.  Under quite a lot of criticism, the decision was made to convert all the languages of the world into emoji.

At first, there was much confusion, even though there was much time and effort to simplify the language with a set standardized emojis.  Officials didn’t realize that a language, especially one which uses symbols, is still open to interpretation depending on the different cultures of the world which were still in place.

Only after a few months of this new standardized, coded language being in place, the language started to evolve throughout different pockets across the globe, much like genetic evolution.  To express their different slangs, usages, and styles of expressing themselves in different regions, citizens of the world started to develop different emojis to represent their ideas and views of the world, which were not available in a global mother tongue.

Within one year of instituting the language policy, United Nations officials made the difficult decision to do away with the universal language of emoji and return to the use of thousands of languages across our globe.  Officials noted that trying to contain any language into a defined set standard is impossible, as language is intertwined with culture, and that culture across the globe is constantly evolving.  UN officials stated that containing language is impossible.

Speculative Narrative #2

David’s Day at School

Beep Beep Beep!!!!

David wakes up out of a deep sleep at 8:30am to an alarm buzzing from his mobile device next to his bed.  He slowly opens his eyes and begins to stretch in bed, but he is alert enough to remember that he has a field trip today at school.  The 16-year-old boy, with brown hair and of average height, was excited for the field trip, as he has been looking forward to it for quite some time.

Lifting himself to his feet the cool, fresh air of his room hits his skin.  He quickly walks to the washroom where the light and shower automatically click on as soon as he walks in.  After ‘using the facilities’, he hops into the shower which is automatically set to his preferred temperature.

After his 15-minute shower, David gets dressed into his favorite jeans and hoodie, and places his mobile device into his pocket, which is something he always carries with him.  He combs his short hair and brushes his teeth.

Afterwards he makes his way downstairs and eats some cereal and drinks some orange juice.  He isn’t a big eater in the morning, but his Dad always told him he should start the day right by feeding his brain.  After eating and placing his dishes in the dishwasher, David finds a seat in the living room next to his school bag.

As he opens a simple, black, waterproof backpack he pulls out a set of electronic goggles which have a strap.  The sleek looking goggles have his name “David” and school name “CHSS” engraved on the front along with a QR code.  David also pulls out a pair of black ear buds from his school bag.  David is doing what all of his schoolmates do now.  This is getting ready for school.

David powers up his googles and connects them to his ear buds.  As David slips the googles over his eyes, he sees the familiar logo of CHSS inside.  The goggles automatically recognize David through retinal detection, mark him as present to his class, and welcome him to school.

“Good morning David.” speaks the school system with the familiar, soothing voice combined with a dark-skinned bot.  David chose this particular voice as it is of an English-speaking man from the UK, similar to his grandfather who David greatly admired.  Last school-year, he chose a a pale-skinned bot with a female voice, but chose to change things up this year in the name of variety.

Within seconds, David is presented with several class options for him to complete today.  Each of the options needs to be completed, but David has the choice of their order.  David notes that for Language Arts they are continuing to read the autobiography of Wab Kinew, Canada’s first Indigenous Prime Minister.  In Math, he will continue working with his partner to create a video game based on algebra.  Not his favorite activity but he likes using the old coding language of Python, which he believes is a blast from the past.

But what he is drawn to is the option to virtually visit the Haida Gwaii Museum.  This museum offers visitors a fascinating look into Haida Gwaii culture.  David has never visited Haida Gwaii, an archipelago located off the northwest coast of British Columbia, in fact he lives over a thousand kilometers away.  But David had the chance to learn Haida last year in Indigenous language class, and specifically chose Haida because his grandfather had told him the Haida were once the most highly feared warriors on BC’s West Coast prior to colonization.

As David selects the museum visit, he also chooses to visit the museum in the Haida language.  He figures he might as well brush up on his Haida.  As the light of the opening scene enters his eyes through his googles, his ears are greeted with traditional drumming.  This is high school learning in 2050.

To listen to an audio version of David’s Day at School, please click the link below:

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