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Upon listening to Adriana’s speculative narratives on AI I was struck by how similar they were to a similar assignment I worked on in another course.  We had designed a wearable device linked to VR goggles that could aid students in both their education and in monitoring their mental and physical health.  I do not see this technology being too far off and was so excited to see that Adriana was on the same wavelength.  In my own speculative narrative, I looked at an actual AI robot (for lack of a better word) that was able to provide assistance, albeit in a kind of pandemic-riddled Blade Runnerish future.    

found Adriana’s second narrative, Edison learning curriculum planner, particularly interesting.  We know that we need to put students’ educations firmly into their hands for them to be an active participant and not just a disinterested observer.  The idea of allowing the student the opportunity to schedule their day not only around their classes, but around their social interactions with peers would allow schools to be more than just a building where students got to learn, but a place where they facilitate their own learning hand in hand with the educators and peers surrounding them.   

The one drawback I see in this technology advancement is cost.  In reality, these AI planners would be quite expensive and would further the digital divide between the “have” and “have nots”.  The pandemic has really opened my eyes to this disparity as I oversaw chromebook distribution for our district last Spring.  Our district loaned out over nine hundred chromebooks to students who did not have access to a computer at home.  As we move forward with such beneficial technology, we need to be cognizant that it needs to be in the hands of all and not just some. 


Adriana’s Speculative Narratives Assignment 


My Speculative Narratives Assignment 


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