Emoji story

Task 6: The Emoji Story

Emoji Story:

Emoji story

This task this week took me back many years when my Uncle and I would do the puzzles in the newspaper. One of my favorites was decoding the message, and having to figure out what symbol went with which letter of the alphabet. Once you got it right, your message or answer could be found. As I was trying to figure out how to tell my little story, it was challenging to find enough to visually represent my message accurately without being able to easily spell out each word using a different symbol.

Did you rely more on syllables, words, ideas, or a combination of all of them?

I relied on a combination of words, ideas, and groups of symbols in order to create this story. It was challenging to decide on one plan of action. I began choosing an emoji for each main word I wanted to depict, but when I couldn’t find an emoji that I thought could work I began using a combination of emoji’s to hopefully convey the word I was intending. As I began describing some of the words with multiple emoji’s I realized that I had to maintain consistency in the meaning of the emoji symbol in order for it to make sense. I had to assume information about my audience, that they would anticipate grouping some symbols together, and how I thought they would consume the meaning within the story.

Did you start with the title? Why? Why not?

I started with my title because as I planned out 5-6 ideas/sentences to describe the title was reoccurring throughout my text – hopefully providing some continuity and potentially a key for decoding this story. When reflecting on texts from previous weeks creating this story gave a lot more clarity to how difficult it would have been to create symbols/pictographs. It is also a great reminder, similarly to the Text to Speech task, of how much we miss when attempting to translate work from one language to another.

Did you choose the work based on how easy would it be to visualize? 

I chose the work above because it was honestly the last thing I watched. However, I also knew right away what some of the emojis I could use to help represent this idea because it was not abstract or challenging to represent visually.

If you think you figured out the emoji story above click on the answer below to find out!

Emoji Story Answer ( did you get it?!)

I used https://emojikeyboard.io for the creation of this emoji story. 

2 thoughts on “Task 6: The Emoji Story

  1. I was able to understand your emoji story almost immediately! It likely helped that I have just finished watching the most recent season.

    What do you think you would have done if you weren’t able to use the CA and number symbols? That’s something I struggled with – I rather arbitrarily decided I couldn’t use any emojis that contained letters or numbers in my story.

    • I am so glad you were able to understand it! I have yet to decode anyone else’s – emoji’s are not a strength of mine! I really struggled to find symbols and emoji’s that made sense to me. I found it odd that the Canada flag showed up once but not the rest. Numbers would have been so helpful as well! I didn’t know how to explain mine without the use of numbers – I tried but I felt like it made even less sense.

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