Link #4 – Task Mode Bending

Link #4: Mode Bending, Laura Ulrich

I really appreciated reading and experiencing Laura’s process and product for this task. The experience was so multi-modal using the six elements of design very well in her presentation. I thought her presentation and the thought within each item using the remixed sound effect created such a deep and multi-layered product in the end. This task not only shared some of Laura’ s literacies but showed her cultural and linguistic multiliteracies as well.

Laura manifests her work through the UBC blog. However, the additional resources, sites, coding tools, videos, that she integrates into her work creates such a multi-layered and engaging environment for the viewer. None of her posts are stagnant but rather incorporate her ideas, thoughts, and work in a variety of modes engaging a wide range of viewers.

Laura’s site privileges her viewers to engage with her in processes and understandings within each task of ETEC 540. She invites the readers in to see her planning, her process in addition to the final project. Her blog design uses a sidebar, which I think gives the viewer more context and understanding of her work as she progresses throughout the course.

It is evident through Laura’s blog design, post structure, and the components included in each of her posts that she has strong capabilities using multi-modes of representation, technology, and multi-literacies. Her post for Task 7: Mode Bending was very created and layered with complex coding in order to give her reader an authentic experience.

Laura’s post exceeded the course parameters for this task in recreating Task 1. The extra effort that was put into her post giving the behind the scenes sharing her struggles and triumphs in coding this project – and sharing the reasons why she made specific coding and architectural decisions in her post and video allowed me, the reader, to engage at a much deeper level in her interactive task.

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