Link #5: Golden Record Curation

Link #5: Golden Record CurationKatlyn Paslawski

Katlyn’s curation experience shares some similarities and differences to my own. She was thoughtful and diligent in listening to the pieces of music in order to gain a better understanding of the songs through research. I appreciated that part of her discernment was the representation of values and diversity within her song choices. The image that she included giving the reader a visual of where the songs originated from helps the reader gain a more global understanding of her song choices. In addition to the visual, she included a short reason why the song made her curation list. I thought it was brilliant of Katlyn to go the extra mile and include her curated list of songs with links to external sources for the reader to listen to her choices. This extra piece in her blog transformed into a great multi-modality piece of work, allowing the readers to share not only through a visual but also engage them in her post through audio as well.

Image from Katlyn Paslawski’s Task 8 blog post.

Katlyn’s UBC blog is very organized and easy to navigate. In her task 8, she included a piktochart visual that enhanced the overall experience for the reader within her post.

I really enjoyed navigating Katlyn’s blog. The pages of her blog were easy to find using the top bar. I appreciated that she included her linking assignment alongside her weekly tasks. Both the weekly task and the linking assignment used drop-down boxes, allowing the reader to select the post of their choice. Her home page showed all of her posts in chronological order according to their publishing date using the scroll function. I personally chose to have my homepage setup with individual images so the reader didn’t have to scroll through each individual post – but that is definitely just a personal preference.

Katlyn’s site privileges the reader to all the different aspects of the ETEC 540 course. Her bar along the top of her blog site shares with the reader everything from a home page, personal introduction, weekly tasks, linking assignment, and a spot for the final project. This information is constantly accessible for the readers to access making navigation throughout Katlyn’s site seamless.

Under her tasks drop-down, Katlyn’s tasks are organized chronologically from older to newest. Her tasks are not titled using the task numbers are easily identified through post titles. As previously noted, her blog site is well organized sharing all aspects of the course; even areas that are still developing or have not been completed yet such as the linking assignment and the final project. As a result of the organization of her blog site and specifically, her Task 8 post I thoroughly enjoyed reading through her experience how she curated her Golden Record.

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