Link #6: Predictive Text Algorithm

Link #6: Predictive Text Algorithm – Jeevan Pannun

When I reached Jeevan’s blog post on the algorithms of predictive text I really appreciated that his text wasn’t fully articulated or developed. Some of the other blog posts from fellow colleagues made sense and were organized – mine however was all over the place. I also valued the way that Jeevan talked about how pieces of phrasing can allude to different topics – and how the algorithm used less meaning full words, therefore turning out a less articulated post. These were things that I felt as I experienced but didn’t articulate in my own post. Thankyou Jeevan! I also found it interesting how the predictive text algorithm, based on a given phrase would guess the next idea

Image taken from Jeevan Punnan Task 11.

even though it was nowhere close to what I was going to say if I could have chosen. I agree with Jeevan that this can be a very dangerous game – especially if people don’t articulate their thoughts well.

Jeevan’s UBC blog varies significantly from my own. His home page, currently, is his only page used and is formatted to use the scroll style. His posts are organized from most recently published at the top downward. His sidebar, on the left, does show the most recent posts, which take you directly to the post without the scrolling. In contrast, I am definitely a visual person and enjoy including an image or chart along with my posts to be able to grab my attention or my readers. I enjoyed creating a Home Page for my most recent posts, in addition to a Weekly Tasks page to list each of the tasks I completed. I think it an extensive course, such as this, the easier it is to navigate a site, the more willing a viewer will be to explore it and engage in the content.

In comparison to other ETEC 540 blog sites, Jeevan’s site is clean and simple. It does not include flourishes or distractions but allows the viewer to see quite plainly the content he has covered and published throughout the course. I enjoyed that the recent posts page provided the efficiency of being taken directly where I want to go without too much wandering. It would have added to my experience if an additional page where all of his posts could have been found.

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